What we do

Using the latest in aviation, medical and communications technology, the RFDS works to provide emergency medical and primary health care services to anyone who lives, works or travels in rural and remote Australia.

The services we offer

Medical services needed by people living in rural and remote areas of Australia are no different to services required in our large cities, but the vast distances that small rural populations have to overcome to access health services, provide a real challenge. The Royal Flying Doctor Service works to assist country Australians in many ways.

With a waiting room of 7.69 million square kilometres, the RFDS provides 24-hour aeromedical emergency services that can reach anywhere, no matter how remote, within hours. Combined with telehealth consultations, fly-in fly-out GP and Nurse clinics, mobile dental services, patient transfers, and a myriad of other health services, the RFDS is constantly working to see that those living in rural and remote areas can enjoy the same health outcomes as those living in city areas.

Man attending to patient next to plane

Aeromedical Emergency Services

We provide 24-hour aeromedical emergency services to country Australia. Accidents, injuries, heart attacks, premature labour -- we can generally reach anywhere within a 2 hour period.

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Primary Health Services

The RFDS is the GP for hundreds of communities in the bush. We provide regular fly-in fly-out GP, Nursing and Allied Health Clinics. From cradle to grave, we provide service to families for as many as five generations.

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Non-Emergency transportation of Patients

The RFDS plays a vital role in the transporting of patients - not just in an emergency. Examples include the transfer of a patient from a regional hospital to a tertiary hospital, or an elderly person traveling from aged care for a specialist appointment. This service, by road or air, is vital to country Australia.

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RFDS peer-reviewed research gives us the capacity to hone in on the locations and health issues that require targetted interventions. The RFDS research team actively works with well established research organisations to improve health outcomes for those in country Australia.

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See where our planes are flying throughout Australia on our live flight map
See map

#69 Emma's son was sleeping when a snake attempted to eat him

#71 Philip Chalker and his seeing-eye dog Sally chat with the Flying Doctor podcast

#72 How did Steve survive a severe stroke while driving on a remote road?

#62 It was too late to get to hospital, and the baby was in breech

#10 How a COVID front-line health worker coped in a hotspot?

#2 How can something the size of a fingernail be so deadly?

#20 How did Andrew Conlon survive being swallowed by the earth?

#6 What did Leroy do to save his life, as his blood was draining out?

#11 How did baby Calvary scare her parents before she was even born?

#9 How did David do CPR on himself to stay alive?

#15 How does a city Doctor make it in the bush?

#73 A toddler wasn't breathing well and was shades of white and blue.

#8 How do we help the elderly in their very last days with their final wish?

#12 How Trent the baker almost lost his arm.

#4 How pregnant Michelle dealt with such a life-changing injury?

#13 How The Flying Doctor started, and a priest at a dog fight

#7 How was Jemma’s life saved – along with her newborn?

#75 Interview with renowned Australian actor and writer Ian Meadows

#23 How did an experienced horse rider find herself in a life or death situation?

#18 What does Amber do when her young son suffers a severe motorbike?

#29 What does a train driver, an earth-shattering headache and a bicycle have in common?

#19 What happens when a baby is born mid flight?

#28 What is the legend of The Motorcycle Pudding?

#27 When you fall into a near boiling thermal mud pool in remote South Australia

#26 When Chad was pulled from the pool with no pulse, how was he saved?

#5 When crocodiles attack, but no-one is around to help you..

#30 Why did 9 year old Jake collapse at the tail end of a soccer game and stop breathing?

#17 Why is Sam Hughes driving a 1957 tractor around Australia?

#22 Why is your mental approach to cancer so key when it comes to health outcomes and quality of life?

#25 Young mother, dialysis, and the search for a kidney --- and a second interview:'Billy-the-kid-ney' changes Danni's life

#40 Flight nurse Brendan Devlin has seen it all over his 30-year career

#43 A highly distressed child was pulling her hair out at night...

#36 A beloved daughter disturbs an intruder and is shot at point-blank range

#48 A jackaroo is hemorrhaging in remote NT and his mates have to get him to hospital

#55 Allan has seen and done it all — Cattle station man, born and bred

#31 A skydiving lesson gone wrong changes Joe Chiver's life forever

#33 A snake in the bed, behind the heater and under the slippery dip

#47 A speeding boat full of tourists collides with a rock wall in remote WA...

#34 Courage is served in large quantities at Gilberton Station - ask Prince Charles

#38 A ute rolls on a remote dirt road in South Australia

#49 Even the seasoned riders can sometimes get it wrong

#16 Did John Tully survive when his plane hit power lines?

#63 Family holiday plans changed quickly when 7-year-old Mia stumbled by the campfire...

#59 Glen's dad fell 4-stories and his life changed immediately...

#57 Helping the governesses that care for station kids

#14 How could Rob survive this helicopter crash?

#42 How did baby Jenson survive being born 4 months too early?

#32 How did hypothermia save John Muir's life?

#41 How did they discover and save Peter, when he suffered a crippling stroke?

#37 How does Paul survive a horrible mountain bike accident in remote WA?

#39 How do you land an RFDS plane in the dark in the Outback?

#56 Respect, love and celebration for those we love in their last days

#44 How was 5-year-old Jack saved after being bitten by a snake?

#52 Richard is proof they breed 'em tough in the bush.

#53 Richard's rally car rolled, flipped into a tree and plunged 30 metres...

#61 Sarah had a double-lung transplant, while her husband and daughter waited anxiously...

#21 What does the Archibald, Running of the Bulls & The Flying Doctor have in common?

#54 What happened when a drunk 15 year old got behind the wheel?

#46 'Billy-the-kid-ney' changes Danni's life

#65 Jon Steadhead, Jigalong and the Flying Doctor

#50 A 10-year old boy was snorkelling when a shark attacked...

#58 How did Mack keep himself alive, under a rolled-car, in remote Western Australia?

#3 How did Michael survive burns to more than 60% of his body?

#24 How did passengers save the life of Patrick on a commercial flight?

#1 How did Peter Nunn survive two accidents he shouldn’t have ?

#35 How does a young pregnant mum in remote SA battle cancer?

#51 When a Picturesque Hike Turns Out to be Not-So-Pretty

#70 How Sarah's stomach ache almost took her life.

#74 The song was a gift to her children, in case they lose her

#76 Stephen Peacocke reflects on playing 'flight nurse Pete' in 'RFDS'.

#90 A single dad, a sailboat, two girls and a wheel barrow

#88 Ella was 35 weeks pregnant & driving an outback truck when her waters broke!

#86 Barry was hanging from his seat belt in the upside down ute.

#84 How did the remote SA township of Marla come to be?

#93 Devoted mum and courageous cancer survivor, Julia, has put her heart inside a pocket

#78 Australia, to the USA, to Kenya and back home again

#60 BAM! The ambulance hit a roo. Kate, in labour, held her breath...

#100 Buckle up! The Flying Doctor Podcast 100th episode takes off!

#102 Farmer Phil vs a one tonne, charging bull!

#104 Greg was lucky to survive a stroke while surfing

#107 Jillaroo Katie's chicken wrangling went wildly wrong!

#110 Student nurse Laura was told she'd never walk or talk again

#108 Tackling the 'highs and lows' of a toddler with T1 Diabetes

#112 Wildflowers, frog tea and a goanna in a hangar!

#113 Annie got a goat stuck in her throat!

#118 A Postmaster's pocketknife & a Doctor's outback dash to save Jimmy Darcy!

#115 A mercy flight to Townsville was baby Selene's only option!

#117 - Ryan nursed himself back from his own heart attack!

#66 Plane on the highway, dress, shopping, and passing on words of wisdom

#67 Greg and his helicopter were a crumpled mess at the bottom of the gorge

$68 What is the life of a flight nurse actually like?

#92 Young mum Paige was losing weight, eternally thirsty and feeling tired

#91 Station boss Carol's helicopter hit the power line and hit the ground

#89 Tired, toilet, thirsty, thinner - Emma's young son ticked all the boxes for Type 1 diabetes

#87 How did Gayle lose the use of both arms in a farm-accident?

#85 How do you manage a Type 1 Diabetes diagnosis in remote Australia

#83 Tom collapsed onto his steering wheel and stopped breathing

#82 Melissa's muscles melted and she was unable to walk, talk or move

#81 Dan Hamood was opal fossicking when he fell into a mineshaft

#80 Kate Watched As Her Husband Was Dragged to Shore

"#79 Shirley was found unconscious next to her campbed

#97 Kelly was heavily pregnant when she was diagnosed with a brain tumour

#96 Emma's toddler went under both wheels of the 4WD...and survived!

#95 When the nurse becomes the patient. Ann's battle with Stage 4 breast cancer.

#94 Judy found her grandson lying 'flat and unresponsive' in the hallway

#77 Dr Katrina Starmer tells how she was inspired to become a Flying Doctor

#64 Heat and dehydration has stopped Richard's heart 8 times...

#45 Angels in the Outback - Revisiting the incredible story of Peter Nunn

#98 Murray began bleeding out internally, after he hit the handlebars of his motorcross bike

#99 Leanne was struggling to breathe before she lost consciousness

#101 Following in Squid’s sand tracks #oceans to outback

#103 Never mess with a Mulga! Ben's paralysing tale.

#106 TJ's horse slipped from under him and they hit the dirt!

#114 Despite breaking his neck twice, Jaimen Hudson is living his best life

#116 How Mick hurt his back on the Birdsville Track

#119 How a baby brown snake flew Eddie from Uluru to Alice!

RFDS TV Show Behind the Scenes

Our Mobile Dental Clinic

This is RFDS Tasmania

Courtney's 2021 RFDS Scholarship Experience

From the archive - Flight "South West" c1961

Harriet from RFDS Tasmania with a sheep farmer and his dog on his land.

Harriet from RFDS Tasmania's Physical Health Team

The Royal Flying Doctor Service in Tasmania delivers physical and mental health services to our rural and remote communities. Often visiting our farmers and graziers in Tasmania's high country for health and wellbeing check ups that would be otherwise inaccessible due to distance and terrain. 

Phil and dog (Digger) wait for RFDS Tasmania's mental health hub Bus

Phil and Digger wait for RFDS Tasmania's Mental Health Hub Bus

With most of Tasmania classified as rural or remote, many communities rely on the Royal Flying Doctor Service for essential physical, mental and dental health care. 

Our health hub buses travel great distances, on tough roads to reach those who need us, including Phil and his pup, Digger. 

The RFDS Tasmania Educational Simulator with Isuzu UTE

The RFDS Tasmania Educational Simulator

Our own educational simulator was acquired in March 2024, with a generous grant from the Tasmanian Community Fund. It lives at our hangar in Western Junction but can be seen making its way across the state visiting schools and community events to demonstrate the work RFDS does all over Australia. 

The RFDS Tasmania education program provides a interactive and engaging experience for students. It allows them to hear stories and experience a unique education experience.

RFDS Dental Coordinator Chloe Reed with the Mobile Dental Van

RFDS Tasmania's Mobile Dental Clinic

With generous support from Woolnorth Renewables, RFDS Tasmania have been able to reach more communities with a second dental health van. 

Delivering vital dental health support to communities on the North West, West, and now North East and East coasts of Tasmania, Central Midlands, Highlands and south down to Dover, we can reduce waitlists across the state and return quality of life to many.

RFDS Tas mental health worker visits farmer on Tas's east coast.

RFDS Tasmania's Mental Health Program

RFDS Tasmania delivered 997 adult and 2,951 youth mental health consultations across 10 local government areas in the 2023/24 financial year.


Birtles & Bean Complete Their Epic Journey raising funds for the RFDS

Birtles & Bean Complete Their Epic Journey raising funds for the RFDS

An extraordinary journey has not only retraced history but also raised over $120,000 for the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS). 

Daily Telegraph Editor-at-Large Matthew Benns and cartoonist Warren Brown embarked on the Birtles & Bean adventure, following the legendary 1927 trek of Australian explorer Francis Birtles, who became the first person to drive from Darwin to Melbourne in a Bean 14 Sundowner. Birtles, a pioneering motorist, adventurer, and photographer, defied the odds, navigating rugged terrain and vast distances with little infrastructure, proving that the Australian outback could be conquered by motor vehicle. 

His journey remains a symbol of resilience, exploration, and the determination to push boundaries—values that continue to inspire Australians today. Matthew and Warren’s journey honoured this pioneering spirit while serving a critical purpose—raising funds to support the Royal Flying Doctor Service, which has been providing essential healthcare to remote and rural communities since 1928. 

Their adventure captured national attention, as they faced their own challenges, from navigating harsh conditions to ensuring their historic vehicle mirrored the authenticity of Birtles’ original trek. 

By successfully completing the journey, they not only celebrated Australia’s motoring and exploration history but also contributed to the future of rural healthcare, ensuring that people in the most isolated parts of the country have access to life-saving medical assistance.

Thank you for saving my life

Just a year ago, Tom faced a fight for his life after he was bitten by a deadly Eastern Brown snake just outside Coonabarabran.

RFDS to open its first permanent GP clinic in Kalgoorlie

The Royal Flying Doctor Service of Western Australia (RFDS WA) will open its first permanent GP clinic in Kalgoorlie in 2025 to support the growing demand for primary health care in the Goldfields.

The Murray’s are forever thankful

This year we are celebrating the 25th anniversary of our Dubbo base and reflecting on our incredible stories of lives saved.

Life-saving medical care through our volunteers

For over 50 years, Jenny has volunteered as an RFDS Clinic Coordinator hosting the clinics on her property. Jenny’s dedication to her community is nothing short of inspiring.

Sophie’s commitment to families in the bush

Sophie has seen firsthand the challenges families face when it comes to accessing medical care in the bush. That is why she is a monthly donor to RFDS.

Enhancing efficiency in delivering the finest care

The RFDS (Queensland Section) Operations Control Centre (OCC) celebrates its second year of success.

Allan’s lifelong commitment to families in the bush

Having generously supported us for more than 21 years, Allan has big-heartedly chosen to leave a gift in his Will.

Mother-to-be Helen's emergency flight to Perth

First time mother-to-be Helen did everything right throughout her pregnancy this year. She hung up her riding helmet and was taking extra care around the horses. But one hot February morning, a regular day at the stud took a dramatic turn.

The Mannion family are so grateful to you!

Thanks to you, our services are a true lifeline for the Mannion family.

You’re bringing smiles to kids in the bush

Your support paves the way for children to experience the benefits of play therapy.

Ben says Thank You!

You helped save Ben’s life when he suffered a terrible burns accident.

Ann overcomes breast cancer to secure dream job with the RFDS

After working so hard to achieve the necessary qualifications to become an RFDS Flight Nurse, Ann Rahn didn't let breast cancer stop her from securing her dream role.

Season 3 of RFDS Set to Soar with New Stories and Stunning Locations

Get ready to experience more heart-pounding drama as RFDS returns for Season 3. Inspired by the real-life heroes of the Royal Flying Doctor Service, this season brings new challenges, emotional stories, and breathtaking South Australian landscapes to your screen.

A call to action for safer healthcare

This World Patient Safety Day, the RFDS (Queensland Section) is shining a spotlight on patient safety awareness and the importance of supporting our healthcare systems.

Support for stations

Most farmers, ringers and station hands would know someone who has been helped by the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) (Queensland Section) when an ordinary workday in the outback doesn’t go to plan.

#108 Tackling the 'highs and lows' of a toddler with T1 Diabetes

Fletcher Buchanan's parents, Alex and Luke, noticed their toddler was becoming increasingly lethargic and unusually thirsty. But a T1 Diabetes diagnosis was totally unexpected.

Higher perspective

When a dirtbike crash left Jaimen Hudson a quadriplegic at the age of 17, he vowed that it wouldn’t stop him from living a life of purpose and adventure. He adopted the mantra “never waste a day.”

Young ringer’s race for help: Amy’s story

When a bloodied and bruised Amy Kynoch regained consciousness in the back of a speeding truck, she realised her ‘typical’ day at work had taken a disastrous turn. Read more.

The legendary jackaroo retires his beloved tractor

As Sam Hughes steps away from his iconic bright orange 1957 Chamberlin 9G tractor, it feels like the end of an era. But while this might be the last time we see him with his tractor, it’s far from the end of the Travelling Jackaroo’s journey.

QUIZ: Uncharted Territory

How well do you think you know the NT? To help celebrate our 85th year of caring for Territorians, test your knowledge of the Territory and the RFDS with this 10-question quiz!

Meet Dr Deb Molloy

Dr Deb grew up in Ireland and completed her medical training there. Since moving to Australia in 2014, she has worked as a medical officer for the RFDS in NSW and Western Australia.

#107 Jillaroo Katie's chicken wrangling went wildly wrong!

Jillaroo Katie was chasing a runaway chicken when she fell and cut her artery on a lawn sprinkler!

Longreach locals master mental health support skills

Many of us have loved ones or friends who are facing challenging times, but it can be difficult to recognise when their struggles signal a developing mental health issue or crisis. In these situations, being prepared to provide support can make all the difference.

A father’s journey with the Flying Doctor

The challenges of life on remote stations in Queensland’s Channel Country seem trivial when you’re doing what you love with the people you love. John Tully wouldn’t trade his life for anything different, but without the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS), he may not be here today.

Calling all Flying Doctor Podcast Fans!

The Flying Doctor Podcast is a testament to the spirit of mateship and resilience. Running for over three years, across 11 seasons and 106 episodes, the podcast has become a significant part of the RFDS brand. It’s been a platform to share the extraordinary stories of Australians from every state, f

Pharmacy in a box

For those who live, travel or work remotely, an RFDS medical chest can be a lifeline.

#106 TJ's horse slipped from under him and they hit the dirt!

Experienced horseman TJ wasn't expecting to come off his horse during a hectic cattle muster. But when his horse stumbled at speed, he immediately knew the impending fall was going to hurt.

The legacy and future of the Mount Isa Base

Sixty years ago, in the heart of Queensland’s outback, the Royal Flying Doctor Service (Queensland Section) (RFDS) Mount Isa base was established, revolutionising healthcare in one of the State’s most challenging regions.

Paralympian saved by the Flying Doctor

Australian Paralympian Lewis Bishop is preparing to compete against the world’s best at the 2024 Paralympian Games in Paris after being saved by the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) (Queensland Section).

Royal Flying Doctor Service WA expands Medevac Service

The Royal Flying Doctor Service Western Australia (RFDS WA) has expanded its aeromedical retrieval capabilities through a new partnership with PHI Aviation.

#105 A brain scan on a plane?! Life-saving Australian Stroke Alliance research.

A brain scan on a plane? The Australian Stroke Alliance is developing portable brain scanning technology for remote patient diagnosis.

RFDS thankful for Fraser Coast Regional Council support

In the past year, the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) (Queensland Section) aeromedical team helped more than a thousand sick or injured patients from the Fraser Coast region reach the care they needed.

QCoal Foundation and QCoal Group extend its support of the Flying Doctor

The Royal Flying Doctor Service (Queensland Section) (RFDS) has extended its longstanding Principal Partner agreement with the QCoal Foundation and QCoal Group.

RFDS TV Show Wins 'Best Drama Program' at the 2024 Logies Awards!

the "RFDS" TV show has been awarded 'Best Drama Program' at the 2024 Logies Awards. This award celebrates not only the incredible talent and hard work of the cast and crew but also the importance of the Royal Flying Doctor Service’s (RFDS) life-saving work in Australia.

People like you rising up to the challenge!

Betty and Dinah walked to bring better health to the Outback.

Celebrating Hardy’s First Year, thanks to you!

Celebrating Hardy’s first birthday was joyous, made even more so because his birth was life-threatening.

Urgent help for little Millie

When six-month-old Millie had her first febrile convulsion at their remote cattle station the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) (Queensland Section) was there to guide her mum every step of the way.

Twenty thousand smiles can’t be wrong

Twenty thousand mouths are a lot of teeth and gums to treat but that’s the exact number the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) (Queensland Section) Mobile Dental Unit have racked up over more than eleven years of service.

#104 Greg was lucky to survive a stroke while surfing

Greg was enjoying his regular morning surf when a stroke suddenly paralysed the 72-year-old 'mid wave'.

A day in the life with the Flying Doctor: Jessie’s bite-sized experience

After spending a decade as a dental hygienist in a previous life, Jessie Burling, was given the chance to go back to her roots with the RFDS Oral Health team.

RFDS Victoria’s New Simulator Officially Launched at Sheepvention

RFDS Victoria’s is proud to officially launch our new simulator at the 2024 Sheepvention Rural Expo in Hamilton.

#103 Never mess with a Mulga! Ben's paralysing tale.

This is the story of 'Mulga Ben' - an experienced outback adventurer, who came off second best after wrestling a Mulga Tree near Alice Springs.

Embracing change and changing lives, one smile at a time

When George Chen, Principal Dentist of the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) (Queensland Section), left his longstanding clinic position to join the RFDS, he was instantly captivated by his new role.

More than $380,000 raised at Topdrill's Annual Charity Sundowner

The RFDS sincerely thanks Topdrill and the more than 500 attendees at this year’s Resources Industry Charity Sundowner for raising over $380,000 for two crucial Goldfields charities.

Dental Health Week (5-11 August)

This week the Royal Flying Doctor Service in Western Australia is acknowledging Dental Health Week.

A familiar name takes flight

In celebration of the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) (Queensland Section) 15-year partnership with Brisbane Airport Corporation (BAC), the public was invited to help name a RFDS aircraft.

85 years on, your health is still our Territory

The RFDS formally marks 85 years in the Territory this week, reflecting on the historic opening of its Alice Springs Base.

New era for Mount Isa as aeromedical support breaks ground

Improved patient care and response capabilities for the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) (Queensland Section) and LifeFlight is a step closer today with the first sod turned on a new $31.8 million joint facility at Mount Isa.

#102 Farmer Phil vs a one tonne, charging bull!

SA cattle and commercial compost farmer, Phil Giles, was severely injured in 2018, after being crushed between a charging bull and a gate.

Rockhampton Landing Fee Donation

The Rockhampton Regional Council has generously donated a cheque for more than $143,000 to the Royal Flying Doctor Service (Queensland Section) to reimburse our annual landing fees at Rockhampton Airport.

Partnering for a more inclusive future

The Royal Flying Doctor Service in Western Australia was proud to host its first Indigenous nursing student as part of a new partnership with Murdoch University.

How a flying school bus started it all for RFDS Engineer Doug Briggs

Veteran aircraft engineer Doug Briggs is celebrating 25 years of service for the Flying Doctor, 19 of which have been in Alice Springs.

Putting the fun in fundraising: how you can get involved!

Check out all the latest Flying Doctor fundraisers and events making an impact in your community in recent months. Find out how you can get involved.

#101 Following in Squid’s sand tracks #oceans to outback

Clay (aka Squid) Bertram has combined his love for running and his entrepreneurial sand board making skills, to become a champion RFDS 'Oceans to Outback' fundraiser.

RFDS helps Sharleen Maxwell who was in labour

Sharleen Maxwell was in labour and the Flying Doctor was there to help.

Karen Barlow's 25 year career with the Flying Doctor

As the Dubbo RFDS base celebrates 25 years of operation in July, one of those who was there from the very beginning will also reach the special milestone.

Will Murray shares how the RFDS helped him 25 years ago

In 1999, the then two-year-old Will Murray was run over by a tractor on the family’s remote property ‘Trilby’.

Royal Flying Doctor Service celebrates 25 years of service in Dubbo

The Royal Flying Doctor Service celebrates 25 years of service in Dubbo.

RFDS welcomes 10-year partnership with WA Country Health Service

The RFDS WA is pleased to announce the signing of a new 10-year contract with the WACHS to continue delivering high quality health care and aeromedical services to regional and remote Western Australians.

#100 Buckle up! The Flying Doctor Podcast 100th episode takes off!

'Welcome aboard' the 100th Flying Doctor Podcast episode, as we 'turn the tables' on podcast host Lana Mitchell and discover the rich and fascinating story of how outback Australia's favourite podcast came to be.

#99 Leanne was struggling to breathe before she lost consciousness

When her asthma symptoms were at their worst, Leanne was struggling to breathe and actually thought 'she was going to die'.

Continuity of reconciliation through art

Art has a unique ability to bring people together, as demonstrated during the National Reconciliation Week event hosted by the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) and Queensland Cricket.

International Paramedics Day

On International Paramedics Day, we acknowledge all the paramedics, patient transport officers and ambulances officers, who work for and alongside the RFDS across SA/NT.

A visual commitment: The story behind our NAIDOC-inspired uniforms

Four years ago, we partnered with two South Australian Aboriginal artists to launch a major artwork and uniform piece inspired by the remote communities we serve. This NAIDOC Week (7-14 July), it remains a source of pride for our crews in SA/NT.

‘Healthy Kungkas’: Aboriginal women’s health camp empowers self-screening

Promoting early detection of cancer was at the heart of RFDS SA/NT’s inaugural Aboriginal women’s health and wellbeing camp held in May.

Celebrating NAIDOC Week 2024

This NAIDOC week, the RFDS proudly joins the nation in celebrating the enduring strength and vitality of First Nations culture with the theme ‘Keep the fire burning! Blak, loud and proud’.

#98 Murray began bleeding out internally, after he hit the handlebars of his motorcross bike

After Murray Collins hit the handlebars of his motorcross bike, mid race, Julie was watching from the sidelines and waiting for her husband to stand up. But he didn't.

Lockhart River walk with the RFDS boosts men’s mental health

Lockhart River local Patrick has linked up with the RFDS to make a positive impact on men’s mental health through a new initiative - Walk, Talk, Yarn, Unite and Stand as one in support of Mental Health.

Flying Doctor there for Caitlin when baby Hardy decides to arrive early on Mother’s Day

Caitlin's relaxed start to Mothers Day ended when she went into early labour four hours from the nearest maternity ward, but the Flying Doctor was there to help.

#97 Kelly was heavily pregnant when she was diagnosed with a brain tumour

Kelly Foran was eagerly expecting the arrival of her first child when she told by Doctors that she had a brain tumour the size of a 'goose egg'.

RFDS increases primary health clinics grow in north-west of NSW to meet demand

The RFDS Primary Health team providing care in north-west NSW is growing to meet demand and introducing new nurse-led clinics to provide additional care.

Isuzu UTE support RFDS in delivering primary health clinics

Earlier this year, the Isuzu UTE team travelled to Dubbo to meet the Primary Health team and see the MU-X in action.

Flying Doctor Podcast Celebrates 500,000 Downloads!

The Flying Doctor Podcast hits 500,000 downloads, celebrating incredible stories and the RFDS's lifesaving work.

Truckies Raise Money for RFDS

An outstanding amount was raised for the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) through the Tasmanian Truck Owners and Operators Association’s (TTOOA) annual Launceston to Longford Truck Run in March.

Flying Doctor reminds Aussie blokes why it is important to take charge of their health

June is Men’s Health Month, and the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) is reminding Aussie blokes just how important taking charge of their health is.

#96 Emma's toddler went under both wheels of the 4WD...and survived!

Perth toddler, Parker Galloway, is lucky to be alive. While on a caravanning holidaying with his family, the two-year-old was run over by a 4WD Landcruiser.

New RFDS facility opens at Busselton

A new purpose-built facility has officially opened at Busselton-Margaret River Airport for RFDS and St John WA crews.

Celebrating our first RFDS Cairns Ball

More than 250 guests from Cairns and Far North Queensland dressed in their best to celebrate the Flying Doctor and the resilience of the community following the floods.

#95 When the nurse becomes the patient. Ann's battle with Stage 4 breast cancer.

Ann Rahn has always dreamt of becoming an RFDS Flight Nurse. But in the midst of Australia's Covid pandemic, Ann’s life took a wildly unexpected turn.

Carol's story

Carol didn’t realise she had been bitten by the snake until she became very unwell about 15 minutes later.

RFDS promises Above & Beyond towards centenary

The Royal Flying Doctor Service of Western Australia (RFDS WA) has launched its 2024 – 2028 Strategy, entitled Above & Beyond.

Safety net for stranded community

Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) Paramedic teams up with the RFDS (Queensland Section) Telehealth team to provide timely medical treatment to a man injured in the floods.

Celebrating the past

Almost 400 supporters, donors, corporate partners, industry stakeholders and representatives from government came together at the Plaza Ballroom to celebrate RFDS Victoria’s annual Going the Distance Gala Dinner.

Forever grateful for the Flying Doctor

Queensland artist and mother of two, Michelle, is forever grateful for the RFDS service which saved her son’s life during a remote road trip to explore Channel Country.

Coen local named 2024 RFDS Queensland Hero

A dedicated healthcare advocate working to help people die with dignity has been named the 2024 Royal Flying Doctor Service (Queensland Section) Queensland Hero.

The heartbeat of Coen

In the small town of Coen in the Cape York region, resident and Primary Health Care Administration Officer Jodi Hamilton has become renowned for her compassion, empathy, and unwavering support for those in the community.

Woolworths shoppers dig deep to support the Flying Doctor

The annual Woolworths in-store fundraising campaign in support of the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) (Queensland Section) has proven a big success across Queensland and northern New South Wales, raising over $155,000.

#94 Judy found her young grandson lying 'flat and unresponsive' in the hallway

Judy knew that time was critical for her unconscious grandson, but every ‘frantic few minutes felt like a lifetime.

#93 Devoted mum and courageous cancer survivor, Julia, has put her heart inside a pocket

Despite plenty of setbacks and heartbreak along the way, Julia Peterson always knew she wanted to be a mum. So, when her son Taylor decided to arrive into the world 'sooner than planned', Julia and her husband Ryan faced the challenge of a premature baby with the same incredible strength and courage

Thrilling journey across four states awaits participants in Outback Car Trek 2024

Participants in this year’s Outback Car Trek (OCT) will soon embark on a thrilling journey all to raise much-needed funds for the Royal Flying Doctor Service.

Reader's Digest Most Trusted Brand Charity 2024 announced

The Royal Flying Doctor Service has been announced as Australia’s ‘Most Trusted Charity’ by the Australian Reader's Digest in their Trusted Brands survey of 2024.

NRW 2024 - Now More than Ever

The #NRW2024 theme, Now More Than Ever, reminds us that now more than ever we need to finish the unfinished business of reconciliation.

#92 Losing weight, eternally thirsty and feeling strange

Paige is a young mum, living in a remote station in the centre of Queensland. When Paige started to have an unquenchable thirst she did not realise the severity of her health situation.

Brought back to life... twice: Colleen's story

Richard Elliott thought he’d lost the love of his life when his partner Colleen Pickering’s heart stopped not once, but twice, in the middle of the night – in the middle of the outback.

New funding to boost RFDS health, research and education centre

The RFDS’s plans to construct a state-of-the-art health, research and education centre for Far North SA have been boosted by almost $1 million in funding from the SA Government.

Paramedic turned patient: Sonia's story

For experienced paramedic Sonia Strong, finding herself in the back of an ambulance was an unnerving role reversal.

S. Kidman & Co renews multi-million-dollar jet partnership

RFDS SA/NT has announced that S. Kidman & Co, one of Australia’s largest beef producers, will continue as its 'Jet Partner' for another four years.

Protecting a special pocket of Australia: Health care meets conservation

Stationed at the intersection of Australia’s three central deserts, the challenges of accessing health care loom large for Kalamurina Wildlife Sanctuary managers, couple Luke Playford and Dr Annemarie van Doorn.

Royal Flying Doctor Service part of developing Healthy Outback Communities

Royal Flying Doctor Service part of developing Healthy Outback Communities

Henry’s family needed the Flying Doctor

Henry’s family needed the Flying Doctor.

Little supporters with big heart

Young Neroli Moreno's sister, Emilyn, joins her in supporting the RFDS

John’s life-saving flight

Needing urgent and life-saving surgery for acute pancreatitis, John needed quick transport from Dubbo to Sydney and the Royal Flying Doctor Service were there to help.

Powering dreams and life-saving care

For Flight Nurse Jackson Dowling, working with the RFDS has always been his “dream job”.

RFDS is sowing seeds of learning

GROW program is supporting communities across Western NSW

Chair's Message

When delivering healthcare in rural and remote areas it is important to be ready for anything because you never know what you will be faced with.

Ruth’s a champion for the Flying Doctor

In the remote landscapes of rural NSW, Ruth Sandow’s story with the Royal Flying Doctor Service unfolds as a testament to determination and community spirit.

Spot the difference: RFDS edition

Spot the difference

The innovation that shaped today

Celebrating 96 years of service, the Royal Flying Doctor Service (Queensland Section) (RFDS) continues to provide vital healthcare services to those living in regional, rural and remote Queensland.

#91 Station boss Carol's helicopter hit the power line and hit the ground

Carol Godfrey, managing a large pastoral property in SW Queensland, survived a near-fatal helicopter accident in 2011 while herding cattle. Her experience reshaped her perspective, embodying her mantra: you can do anything you put your mind to.

Australian Government shores up RFDS Primary Healthcare and Dental Services for Rural and Remote Aus

The Royal Flying Doctor Service welcomes the Australian Government’s Budget announcement of an additional $71.3 million over 3 years to support the delivery of essential health services to rural and remote Australians

Flying Doctor Day 2024

On 15 May 2024, the RFDS will celebrate Flying Doctor Day and 96 years of proudly providing emergency aeromedical and essential health care services to the Australian community.

The best of both worlds

Royal Flying Doctor Service (Queensland Section) (RFDS) Flight Nurse (Midwifery) Leanne Ashbacher celebrates International Nurse’s Day and Mother’s Day combined.

RFDS tackles tobacco use with Cancer Council NSW

RFDS partners with Cancer Council NSW partner to tackle tobacco use in rural and remote NSW

#90 A single dad, a sailboat, two girls and a wheel barrow

For two years, single dad James and his daughters Halle and Isla sailed along WA's coast on 'Salty Jocks', embracing remote schooling and fishing. In an inspiring move, James pushed his daughters 500km in a wheelbarrow to support RFDS's Oceans to Outback fundraiser.

RFDS Fortescue Heli-Med Service EC145 helicopter two year anniversary

Today marks two years since the RFDS Fortescue Heli-Med Service EC145 helicopters joined the Royal Flying Doctor Service WA fleet.

SMART strategies, tools, helping people overcome addiction

Addiction comes in many shapes, and it remains on ongoing challenge for people from all walks of life. This is why the Royal Flying Doctor Service is investing in trained staff and programs to help people understand and overcome their addiction issues.

Leanne's Story

Leanne and her husband Darren were taking their new campervan back home to Exmouth when a medical emergency almost cost Leanne her life.

A passion for nursing sees a career take flight

Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) Flight Nurse (Midwifery) Stacey Clayworth has spent the last decade taking to the skies of Queensland, providing care to those who need it most.

#89 Tired, toilet, thirsty, thinner - Emma's young son ticked all the boxes for Type 1 diabetes.

When Emma Turner first discovered her seven-year-old son, Fred, had Type 1 diabetes, they were living in the middle of nowhere. But after Fred's symptoms suddenly became life-threatening, Emma found herself sitting next to the pilot in the cockpit of an RFDS plane, with her gravely ill son on board

Donate some loose change to support the Flying Doctor

Woolworths customers can play a part in keeping the lifesaving work of the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) (Queensland Section) going by making a special in-store donation from today.

Australian-first virtual emergency centre to help save lives in the outback

The Royal Flying Doctor Service has opened its state-of-the-art health hub in the South Australian outback tourism town of William Creek that provides 24/7 emergency medical help with no health professionals physically on the ground.

Lifesaving training provided for remote weather station staff

The care provided by the Royal Flying Doctor Service (Queensland Section) (RFDS) extends far and wide, but it may just be further than you think.

Flying Doctor announces its annual RFDS Local Hero Award winners

From schoolchildren and first responders to horseback fundraisers and mental health advocates, the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) (Queensland Section) has today announced its latest RFDS Local Hero Award winners.

A diverse and rewarding career

Whether it is landing on a remote airstrip or driving the crew to stabilise a patient, Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) Pilot Brady Thrift is always there to lend a helping hand.

#88 Ella was 35 weeks pregnant & driving an outback truck when her waters broke!

Ella and Dave, transport company owners, embarked on a final trip from Perth to Kimberley before their baby's arrival. Unexpectedly, at 35 weeks pregnant, Ella's waters broke in the remote outback, far from medical help. They faced an urgent journey to reach the nearest hospital

Legacy of service: from RAAF to RFDS

ANZAC Day is a day that holds personal meaning to many individuals and families across Australia and New Zealand.

Road to recovery

Communities in Far North Queensland and staff from the RFDS (Queensland Section) Cairns Base have united to rebuild from ex-Tropical Cyclone Jasper.

Leia's Story

As a fly-in fly-out HR professional for 15 years, Leia Piccoli had witnessed many mining colleagues require an RFDS retrieval in a medical emergency. She had never expected to need the service herself.

#87 How did Gayle lose the use of both arms in a farm-accident?

After Gayle's life-changing accident on a remote cattle station in Queensland, they have had to adapt to a new life, despite one arm being amputated and the other being paralysed

RFDS survey to provide regional, rural and remote communities with a voice on healthcare

The Flying Doctor is a lifeline, providing critical care when it’s needed most. But after almost a centenary of service there is still so much to do. We’re calling on the community to share their thoughts on healthcare in regional, rural and remote NSW through our new survey. Open until May.

Parker's Story

Last year the Galloway family were holidaying in Esperance when they were faced with every parent’s worst nightmare.

#86 Barry was hanging upside down from his seat belt and the ute was on its roof

Barry was travelling with some work colleagues on his way back to Mount Isa from a remote mine site when the driver lost control of the ute, it flipped and Barry was left hanging from his seat belt. When he released his belt he fell directly on his head, instantly felt pain and saw stars.

New RFDS Ambassadors to light the way for Queensland

The Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) (Queensland Section) is proud to announce its latest round of inductees who have signed on to become a ‘Light the Way’ Ambassador.

#85 How do you manage a Type 1 Diabetes diagnosis in remote Australia?

Danielle and Boyd Keenan live with their two young daughters, August (Augie), 11, and Willa, 9, in Broken Hills, NSW. When Augie was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes the remote city they love was a long way away from diabetes treatment.

Celebrating a 20-year journey of compassionate care with RFDS

From the top end to the far west, Dr Charles Ellis-Hallett has dedicated the past twenty years to delivering invaluable care to many regional, rural and remote communities.

#84 How did the remote SA township of Marla come to be?

Jane Oakley-Lohm is a central figure in the story of Marla, a remote township in South Australia that sprung up from a roadhouse created in the 1980's.

Primary care access vital for better health outcomes in remote Australia

The second annual Royal Flying Doctor Service ‘Best for the Bush, Rural and remote Health Base Line’ report was released today.

Saturday night snakebite

For long-haul truck driver Lee, Saturday nights are usually spent behind the wheel on lonely stretches of highway, but one such night in March took a turn, when he had to be flown from to Perth by the Flying Doctor.

#83 Tom collapsed onto his steering wheel and stopped breathing

Have we become too complacent about snakes? Tom had been parked on the side of a rural road when he stepped out to greet his wife. He felt a small sting or bite on his foot, and bent down to see a small snake disappearing under his car.

Ella's outback dash

Ella Reindler is one of very few pregnant women who can say they drove themself to hospital behind the wheel of a prime mover.

National Close the Gap Day

At the RFDS we are committed to contributing to the “Close the Gap” campaign to improve both health outcomes and access to culturally appropriate health services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

RAP Year in Review 2023

Reporting and reflecting on another year of progress and strong momentum on our Reconciliation Action Plan and looking to the tasks ahead to continue on this journey.

Clinical Leader of the Year

RFDS WA Head of Nursing Paul Ingram has been named Clinical Leader of the Year at the WA Rural Health Awards.

The Flying Nurse

Lisa Killian is an RFDS Primary Health Care Nurse based in Broome. She has lived in the Kimberley and central Australia for the past 14 years, working in a variety of nursing roles.

#82 Melissa's muscles melted and she was unable to walk, talk or move

Melissa Domiati went to hospital to have her wisdom teeth removed and was not particularly concerned or worried, but the routine procedure went terribly wrong when she had an allergic reaction to the anaesthetic. She woke up two days later, in Perth, in ICU and unable to move.

Outback mums

RFDS and Motherland giveaway competition winner Laura shares how the Flying Doctor has been a saving grace for rural mums.

Meet Dan Byles

Dan Byles has been the Organisational Resilience Lead for the RFDS WA since 2021.

#81 Dan Hamood was opal fossicking when he fell into a mineshaft

Dan, an opal miner, shares his passion for opal mining and the unique gemstones that captivated him. His hobby turned into a life-threatening situation when he fell down a 22-meter deep mine shaft in Coober Pedy.

$19m means a lot of life saving

For more than 24-years the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) (Queensland Section) has worked alongside Ergon Energy Retail and its customers, to raise over $19 million.

Trains, planes and the RFDS

Doctor Jig is accustomed to working inside the tight space of an RFDS aircraft, but one retrieval saw him treating an unwell passenger within the confines of the iconic Indian Pacific train.

Meet the Flying Doctor's female pilots

To mark Women in Aviation Worldwide Week, we reached out to our female pilots to ask them what their job means to them. Here’s what they said...

Bringing Dental Care to the Outback

For Renae, her role with the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) (Queensland Section) isn’t just about dentistry – it is also about adventure.

Road to recovery - Bella's story

Bella Howe’s life changed on a wild winter’s day in July 2022. She was a spectator at a dirt bike race in the Wheatbelt town of Brookton when a rider lost control on a jump.

International Women's Day

We are celebrating by recognising the tremendous efforts of our diverse RFDS women who every day are making a positive difference to the lives of those living and working in rural, regional and remote Australia.

Born to be an engineer

RFDS Senior Base Engineer Nick Mann has always dreamt of flying an aircraft but can’t get enough of fixing them.

The Flying Doctor launches a significant Australian company into the clouds

The Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) (Queensland Section) is proud to announce the naming of a new King Air B360 aircraft as a show of gratitude for the on-going support of Mrs. Gina Rinehart AO and Hancock Prospecting.

RFDS Victoria Gender Pay Gap Report 2022-23

At RFDS Victoria, our greatest asset is our people. We put people first in everything we do, developing strategies and frameworks to enable individuals to grow, succeed and contribute positively to better health and wellbeing outcomes for the communities we serve.

RFDS Scholarships Impact

‘A rewarding and life-changing experience’ is how one of our Scholarship recipients described her time with RFDS providing medical services in remote areas.

Sandy overcame a life-changing injury but that was only the beginning of the battle

Traumatic injuries can have long-lasting effects and for Ti Tree resident Sandy Abley, the Flying Doctor was there to support her full journey to physical and emotional recovery.

A dry needle in the haystack: Meet our first Flying Physio

Armed with a portable treatment table and a backpack containing everything you’d find in a city clinic, the RFDS’s newest health professional is making tracks in the bush.

A student placement with the RFDS led to Mick landing his dream job

Having grown up in the suburbs of Melbourne, working as a mental health clinician in the Central Desert of Australia is a whole new world for Mick Keane.

QUIZ: How well do you know the RFDS?

How well do you know the RFDS? Test your general knowledge of the Flying Doctor with this quick-fire 10-question quiz!

The Royal Flying Doctor Service of Western Australia records busiest year

The Royal Flying Doctor Service of Western Australian has recorded its busiest year on record, with 10,270 patients retrieved across the state throughout 2023.

RFDS named Australia's most reputable charity for 12th time

The RFDS has been recognised as Australia’s Most Reputable Charity for the 12th time in RepTrak’s annual charity and not-for-profit study for 2023.

From childhood dreams to RFDS wings

As a boy, Michael Urquhart was fascinated with planes and clouds and still vividly remembers his first flight at the age of nine in a Piper Cherokee at Hervey Bay.

RFDS provides relief following Tropical Cyclone Jasper

The Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) (Queensland Section) are extending their mental health services in Far North Queensland to support communities devastated by Tropical Cyclone Jasper.

Ryman Healthcare Australia chosen charity 2024

RFDS Victoria has been selected as Ryman Healthcare Australia’s chosen charity for 2024!

RFDS Victoria launches its Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Roadmap 2023-26

The Royal Flying Doctor Service Victoria (RFDS VIC) is pleased to launch its Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Roadmap 2023-26.

Underpayment of worked overtime for past and present RFDS VIC NEPT employees and related roles

A statement on underpayment of worked overtime for past and present RFDS VIC NEPT employees and employees in related roles

Mending minds in rural and remote Queensland

Cairns based RFDS Recognised Mental Health Counsellor Joseph Oui is working with communities to improve mental health and overcome the disadvantages of life in remote and very remote parts of Queensland.

Message from the Chair, Dr Saranne Cooke

RFDSSE Chair, Dr Saranne Cooke discusses the year that was

Generous gift by the Bartle family focuses on mental health services

The late Dr Stuart and Mrs Bonnie Bartle have left a legacy that will continue for generations to come.

We were there for Chris when he needed us

Needing a flight for pain‑relieving back surgery, the RFDS was ready to help.

Behind the scenes tour gives Narellan Rotary Club great appreciation of our work

Visit to Dubbo Base shows long‑time supporters the work of the Flying Doctor.

Aussies smash Oceans to Outback challenge raising much needed critical funds

Thank you to our supporters who took part running, walking and cycling in our national Oceans to Outback challenge.

RFDS receives award for Electronic Health Record

Ground‑breaking new RFDS technology receives prestigious innovator award.

Outback walk raises vital mental health and wellbeing awareness

Dirt, storms and heat doesn’t stop Marg and Alli from completing 300 kilometre walk for mental health awareness.

Tamlyn soars to new heights as a Pilot for the Flying Doctor

Tamlyn Gresser knew from a young age that she wanted to be a pilot for the Royal Flying Doctor Service so when she joined the organisation in January 2022, it was the realisation of a dream.

Message from the CEO, Greg Sam

Our team are excited for what is shaping up as another important year for the Flying Doctor.

RFDS WA Board Member Professor Fiona Wood recognised in Australia Day Honours

The Royal Flying Doctor Service of Western Australia proudly congratulates board member Professor Fiona Wood on her inclusion in the Australia Day Honours List.

Ruth Sandow's inspiring path with the RFDS

In the remote landscapes of rural New South Wales, Ruth Sandow's story with the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) unfolds as a testament to determination and community spirit.

Preparing children and yourself for the new school year

Preparing children (and yourself) for the new school year

RFDS named Australia's Most Reputable Charity

The RFDS was recently recognised as Australia’s Most Reputable Charity for the 12th time in Reptrak’s annual charity and not-for-profit study (2023). Find out more.

Scott Chapman appointed a Member of the Order of Australia

RFDS Victoria Chief Executive, Scott Chapman, has been recognised for his extensive contribution to the not-for-profit sector, disadvantaged young people, rural communities and aged care, being appointed a Member of the Order of the Australia (AM) by the Governor-General.

RFDS skyward: our game-changing Operations Control Centre

RFDS reached a major milestone in November 2022 with the launch of its state-of-the-art Operations Control Centre (OCC).

Blazing new trails: Aeromedical Nurse Practitioners

Since volunteering for the ambulance service on Norfolk Island at 16, Hayden Wilson has focused on building his career as a nurse, culminating in a Master of Nurse Practitioner from The University of Queensland and an appointment as one of the first RFDS aeromedical nurse practitioners.

Two new executive appointments at Royal Flying Doctor Service (South Eastern Section)

The RFDS (South Eastern Section) (RFDSSE) has made two new executive appointments, with Dr Shannon Nott joining as the Executive General Manager – Health & Clinical Services and Chief Medical Officer (CMO), and Mark Davey joining as Executive General Manager – Aviation & Operations. 

New RFDS aircraft to be named in honour of esteemed local philanthropists

The John and Vicki Williams Beechcraft King Air 360 has taken its first flight under this new call sign today, which has been bestowed in recognition of the exceptional generosity of the craft’s namesake.

Engineering greatness

Whether it is repairing an aircraft on a remote airstrip after a bird strike or overseeing maintenance of one of the new King Air B360s at our Brisbane Base, the work of an RFDS engineer is always varied and unpredictable.

Navigating new heights: our new Townsville Senior Base Pilot

Newly appointed Townsville Senior Base Pilot, Catriona Saunders, has the unique qualities required to excel as a RFDS pilot, and she absolutely loves it!

RFDS doctors sparking health transformation in rural Queensland

There is no such thing as a typical day for a RFDS Primary Health Care Doctor, but every day brings the satisfaction of making a positive difference to the health and wellbeing of individuals and communities in rural and remote Queensland.

Caring for children in remote communities

Our Primary Health Care team are passionate about the health, wellbeing and development in children and are providing weekly Child Health Clinics in Gregory to help families in the Gregory and Bidunggu communities.

Can you help us to understand our impact?

Take this quick survey and help us to understand the impact of the RFDS on Western Australia.

#78 Australia, to the USA, to Kenya and back home again

Dr. Mardi Steere, now a vital member of the RFDS, returned to her hometown of Adelaide five years ago after a diverse medical career abroad. In this interview, she reflects on her journey to becoming a doctor, her overseas adventures, and delivering essential healthcare to rural and remote Australia

Blending passions

Self-described as an “emergency physician, fitness fanatic, marine fishkeeping enthusiast and #FOAMed explorer,” Dr William See arrived in Charleville in February 2023 to take up the position of Medical Officer at the RFDS base – and has taken the role and the community to his heart.

Serving remote communities on the road

A self-styled ‘country kid’ and a second-generation dentist, Lynlee grew up in Rockhampton and studied at James Cook University in Cairns.

RFDS & Cooper Energy Announce 3 Year Partnership Extension

RFDS Victoria is pleased to share Cooper Energy's Legacy Foundation has signed another three-year partnership agreement, continuing its support of RFDS Victoria’s rural health programs.

#77 Dr Katrina Starmer tells how she was inspired to become a Flying Doctor

Dr Katrina Starmer works with our RFDS Queensland team. Katrina tells of how she was inspired to become a Flying Doctor, years ago, when she was out mustering on a remote property that belonged to the family of her school friend. Listen today!

RFDS receives grant under the NGO Flood Recovery Program

The RFDS is delighted to receive government recognition for our life-saving work delivering health clinics to flood-affected rural areas across NSW, with a $200,000 grant to help sustain these life-saving services as communities continue to recover from the devastation.

Royal Flying Doctor Service set to open GP clinic in Condobolin

The Central West NSW town of Condobolin will soon have access to increased local medical services

Josie Alec joins RFDS WA Board

RFDS WA is proud to announce Kuruma Marthudunera (KM) traditional owner and business identity Josie Alec has joined its Board of Directors.