The Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) in Western Australia is proud to expand its delivery of dental health services into the Pilbara for the first time.

Supported by the Commonwealth Government, the RFDS will deliver dental services in two newly established clinics in Newman and South Hedland in partnership with Pilbara Aboriginal Medical Services (PAMS) and Wiraka Maya Health Service Aboriginal Corporation (WMHSAC) respectively.
RFDS WA Manager of Primary Health and Dental Clinics Amanda Bedford said the two new clinics in the Pilbara would run for two weeks at a time, six times a year.
“Remote residents will benefit from improved access to quality local dental care. The model supports a multidisciplinary approach in partnership with our Aboriginal Medical Services (AMS) partners,” Ms Bedford said.

“The RFDS was keen to fill the service gap which was identified after consultation with our health partners including State dental services and local AMS.
“We were a good fit with an existing service delivery model, existing relationships with local services and an experienced remote workforce. It’s an exciting step forward to provide access to communities in the Pilbara and we look forward to welcoming new patients.”
The RFDS recognises the important link between oral health and overall health and the challenges people living in regional communities have when accessing dental care.

- The RFDS’ dental health services are delivered through a purpose-built dental van and fly-in fly-out clinics, funded by a combination of Commonwealth, State government and corporate partner Karara Mining.
- The RFDS dental health team in WA reaches patients in the remote Goldfields, Midwest, Kimberley and now the Pilbara region to provide vital oral health education, screening and treatment.
- Since 2012, the RFDS in WA in partnership with Karara Mining Limited (founding partner of RFDS mobile dental van), provides residents living in the Shires of Perenjori, Morawa and Mingenew in the Midwest region of WA access to free dental services 25 weeks of the year.