Restart a Heart Day at Parliament House

Date published

17 Oct 2018

On Tuesday the 16th October the RFDS along with the Council of Ambulance Authorities and ACT Ambulance Service were Restarting Hearts at Parliament House for the Australian launch of World Restart a Heart Day.

Sudden cardiac arrest can affect anyone at any time and the basic knowledge and skills of a first-responder can save a life, particularly where medical help is hundreds of kilometers away and when waiting for the Flying Doctor to arrive.

Trained paramedics and first responders provided CPR & Defibrillator training throughout the day on the lawns of Parliament House. The Prime Minister joined the launch to share the important message. 

Sco Mo in plane
  • The Royal Flying Doctor Service transports an average of 112 patients a week for Cardiovascular Disease (CVD). 
  • Without immediate treatment 90-95% of Sudden Cardiac Arrest Victims will die.
RFDS team
  • Remote Australians are 1.3 times more likely to die from coronary heart disease than people in major cities. 
  • If a defibrillator is used and effective CPR is performed within 3-5 minutes of cardiac arrest, survival chances increase from 6% to 74%

Only 1 in 10 survive a cardiac arrest. We can beat those odds. The more trained first responders out there, the less pressure on emergency services.

Scott Morrison Talks

The simple message of Restart a Heart Day is 'Call, Push and Shock' and this technique can save lives around Australia. Even the Prime Minister Scott Morrison shared personal stories of the importance of every Australian knowing what to do when someone's heart stops beating. 

Police Can start heart

Alice Springs man Gene Hildebrand is lucky to be alive after defying the odds in having his heart shocked back into rhythm 54 times during his emergency RFDS flight to Adelaide. Read his story here.

restart a heart info

Read our Research Paper on Cardiovascular Health in Rural and Remote Communities