Leave a Bequest
Create a legacy to be remembered beyond your lifetime. Leave a gift in your Will to help the Flying Doctor continue to save lives.

In 1928 the first aircraft of the Royal Flying Doctor service, named 'Victory' took to the skies. This was made possible through the generous contribution of a Gift in the Will of Hugh Victor McKay.
From this one Gift, the RFDS has grown from one plane, one pilot and one doctor, to a national service with 79 planes, 115 road service vehicles and 1400 professionals delivering emergency medical and primary health services.

Today, Gifts in Wills to the Flying Doctors are one of our greatest source of funding. The generosity of our loyal supporters make it possible for us to provide medical care and attention to those who need it wherever they are.
As we look to the future, the needs will continue to grow in both the services we provide and the way in which they are delivered. A Gift in your Will to the RFDS will allow us to continue our life-changing primary health care, emergency retrieval and patient transport services.
Whether large or small, every Gift is greatly valued because it will help us have a positive impact on someone's life and in doing so provide the greatest gift.
Who to address your bequest to
The Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) is made up of seven legal entities operating around Australia and under a federated structure. Each of the entities are independent, both financially and operationally, with their own Board and management.The entities are:

Royal Flying Doctor Service (Queensland Section)
ABN 80 009 663 478
12 Casuarina Street, Brisbane Airport, QLD 4008
Phone: (07) 3541 4312
Contact: Michela Everett
Email: giftinwill@rfdsqld.com.au

Royal Flying Doctor Service (SA/NT)
ABN 81 108 409 735
1 Tower Road, Adelaide Airport, SA 5950
Phone: (08) 8238 3323
Fax: (08) 8238 3395
Contact: Anthea Rice
Email: Anthea.Rice@flyingdoctor.net

Royal Flying Doctor Service (South Eastern Section)
ABN 86 000 032 422
GPO Box 3537, Sydney NSW 2001
Phone: (02) 9941 8888 or 0448 280 193
Contact: Cristina Caamano
Email: giftsinwills@rfdsse.org.au

Royal Flying Doctor Service (Victoria)
ABN 71 004 196 230,
Level 1, 345 Bridge Road Richmond VIC 3121
Phone (03) 8412 0431,
Contact:Naomi Lehrer
Email: naomi.lehrer@rfdsvic.com.au

Royal Flying Doctor Service (Western Operations)
ABN 29 067 077 696
3 Eagle Drive Jandakot Airport, Jandakot, WA 6164
Phone: (08) 9417 6400
Email: fundraise@rfdswa.com.au

Royal Flying Doctor Service (Tasmania)
ABN 93 785 910 050
PO Box 140, Evandale, 7212
Building 85, 305 Evandale Road, Western Junction, TAS 7212
Phone: (03) 6391 0509
Email: enquiries@rfdstas.org.au

Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia
If you would prefer for your bequest to be used nationwide, then address it to the Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia, Level 2, 10-12 Brisbane Ave Barton ACT 2600, (02) 6269 5500, ABN 74 438 059 643, Contact: Melissa Perkins on enquiries@rfds.org.au
All bequests to the Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia are distributed evenly to every RFDS Section across the country, with no donated funds retained by the Canberra Office.
Suggested Wording
Making your Will is a very personal decision. It is also a legal one. We recommend you seek advice from a solicitor to ensure that the wording of your Will reflects your exact wishes. It is important to remember to review your Will regularly, particularly when life circumstances change.
There are several ways of leaving a bequest, dependent on what is best for you and your family. Below is some suggested wording to accommodate most bequest provisions in your Will.

Where your legacy goes
Funding is always needed to purchase vital medical equipment, keep the doctor flying and provide essential health services.
By leaving a bequest, you enable aircraft to be equipped and maintained during its 20 years of service, then upgraded as and when required, as well as support our many services. You will help save lives.
For more information please fill out the enquiry form below.
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