The Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) is made up of seven legal entities operating around Australia, under a federated structure, and working together under a joint venture agreement.
Each of the entities are independent, both financially and operationally, with their own Board and management. Each entity is a charity, registered with and regulated by the Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission.
The entities are: RFDS Central Operations, RFDS Queensland Section, RFDS South Eastern Section, RFDS Victorian Section, RFDS Tasmania, RFDS Western Operations, and the last is RFDS of Australia (located in Canberra).

Tracey Hayes
Federation Board Chair

Dr. John O'Donnell AM
Deputy Federation Chair and Independent Director

Kieran Chilcott
Independent Director

Mr. Peter de Cure AM
RFDS Central Operations Nominee

Mr. Brendan Richards
RFDS Victoria Nominee

Dr. Saranne Cooke
RFDS South Eastern Nominee

Ms Caroline Wells
RFDS Tasmania Board Nominee

Ms Georgie Somerset
RFDS Queensland Nominee

Mr. Tim Shackleton
RFDS Western Operations Nominee