At RFDS Victoria we take paying our employees – past and present – their entitlements extremely seriously.
It has been drawn to RFDS Victoria’s attention that we have inadvertently underpaid worked overtime for RFDS Victoria Non-Emergency Patient Transport (NEPT) employees and employees in related roles.
We conducted an audit which found that our systems do not adequately meet our compliance and pay-related obligations under Australian employment laws for approved shift overtime.
As a result, we are taking corrective action to update our systems and remunerate all eligible past and present RFDS Victoria NEPT and related role employees, specifically those employed:
- Between 1 October 2017 and April 28, 2024.
- As an NEPT employee rostered and paid through our EMPLive system; and/or
- Under the RFDS Victoria - Patient Transport Employees EBA 2021 or the RFDS Victoria Nurse Employees Enterprise Agreement 2022
We have contacted all eligible past and present employees based on the contact details we have within our systems.
We welcome all past RFDS Victoria NEPT employees and employees in related roles to contact us at MPCSettlement@rfdsvic.com.au should they believe they are eligible and have not been contacted.