COVID-19 Emergency Fund

Date published

03 Apr 2020

We are living in unprecedented times.

The determined men and women of the Flying Doctor provide life-saving support to Queenslanders, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and in the most difficult circumstances.   

But we’ve never faced a challenge quite like this.

Demand for our service is growing. Right now, our aeromedical teams are in desperate need of emergency supplies to support their vital work as we tackle the COVID-19 pandemic. 

They need your help today more than ever. â€‹

      Your kind gift will be used immediately to purchase the following essential supplies:

      • A gift of $54 will buy a box of 75 pairs of disposable gloves and you can only imagine how many we’ll use in the coming weeks and months.
      • A gift of $400 will pay for a disinfectant fog machine. They will be used to disinfect every single nook and cranny of an aircraft after a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19 has been on board.
      • A gift of $120, enough to pay for two more gas canisters for the disinfectant fog machines. Sadly – if there’s any chance an infectious person has been on board, we need to be certain another patient or member of our crew is not infected.
      • A gift of $1000 would help towards the cost of a ventilator - a vital piece of equipment to support our patients' breathing in emergency situations.

      With your help, the Flying Doctor will continue to be there, as we have been for 92 years, providing life-saving care to those who need it most.

      Thank you for supporting your local team of RFDS Doctors, Nurses and Pilots with a life-saving gift today.