Our fleet
In Queensland, the Flying Doctor has a fleet of 25 aeromedical aircraft comprising 16 Beechcraft King Air B200 series, four King Air B350CHW and five King Air B360. During the 2022/23 financial year, RFDS pilots flew 24,192 hours over 8.4 million kilometres, landing 22,049 times to deliver world-class aeromedical retrievals and healthcare to regional, rural and remote Queenslanders.

King Air B200 and B200 C
Number in fleet: 16
Maximum altitude: 35,000 feet
Maximum speed: 278 knots (515 kph)
Range: 2,700 km
Cabin dimensions: 1.38 m wide, 6.7 m long, 1.46 m high

King Air B350CHW
Number in fleet: 4
Maximum altitude: 35,000 feet
Maximum speed: 305 knots (565 kph)
Range: 3,345 km
Cabin dimensions: 1.24 m wide, 7.56 m long, 1.45 m high

King Air B360
Number in fleet: 5
Maximum altitude: 35,000 feet
Maximum speed: 325 knots (578 kph)
Range: 3,345 km
Cabin dimensions: 1.24 m wide, 7.6 m long, 1.45 m high
King Airs
A twin-turbo prop aircraft produced by Beechcraft, the King Air B200 C is an extension of the King Air line that originated in the 1970s and has a long-proven history as an aircraft.
RFDS King Air B200 series and B350CHW aircraft are set up with two stretcher beds and three seats, which can be used in a variety of configurations. Some of our aircraft are modified to replace the standard passenger door with a large cargo door to facilitate patient loading and unloading.
Standard aircraft installation allows two pilot staff, however most operators, including the RFDS, typically operate the aircraft in single pilot configuration. In addition to normal aircraft systems, RFDS aircraft are fitted with an additional battery to provide medical power, a medical oxygen and suction system, and an intercommunication system between the cockpit and medical staff in the cabin.
A flight nurse is onboard for every flight and in cases where the patient is seriously ill, a doctor is also present. Other passengers can include sitting patients, accompanying relatives or specialist medical staff.