It was a cool May morning when the new RFDS Fortescue Heli-Med Service took flight for the very first time, marking an historic moment for the RFDS in Western Australia.

Its first-ever patient was safely retrieved from Harvey and flown to hospital in Perth for urgent care.
These are the very first RFDS helicopters anywhere in Australia in its 94-year history.
In its first 90 days of service, the RFDS Fortescue Heli-Med Service has transferred a total of 24 patients, reaffirming our promise to Western Australians that the Flying Doctor is absolutely committed to our promise of health equity for all.
Complementing our existing fleet of 17 PC-12 turboprop and three Rio Tinto LifeFlight PC-24 jets, the two EC-145 helicopters bring the RFDS in WA’s total fleet number to 22 – the largest RFDS fleet in Australia.
Travelling to towns within 250 kilometres of Perth, the service has already flown an incredible 8,000 kilometres.
The RFDS Fortescue Heli-Med Service is also equipped to transfer suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patients, making a life-saving difference to Western Australians who need urgent assistance in regional locations.
We look forward to our RFDS Fortescue Heli-Med Service continuing to be there for regional Western Australians. We sincerely thank our valued partner Fortescue and everyone who donated to help equip our helicopters.