Flying Doctor Podcast #72:
In a remarkable turn of events, bus driver Steve Mogridge narrowly escaped death after suffering a stroke while driving his company ute. Mogridge's quick thinking and determination to seek help played a crucial role in his survival.
The incident occurred last November as Mogridge was driving from Kalgoorlie to Leinster, Western Australia. Suddenly, the left side of his body went numb, leaving him unable to feel or control his arm and leg. Recognizing the signs of a stroke, Mogridge knew he had to reach medical assistance as quickly as possible.
Despite the challenges of driving a manual vehicle with only one functioning side, Mogridge pressed on, determined to make it to the nearest hospital in Leonora, approximately 50 kilometers away. With no phone reception for the majority of the journey, he managed to contact his wife and inform her of the situation.

Upon arriving at the hospital, Mogridge's condition rapidly deteriorated, with his blood pressure dropping dangerously low. Recognizing the severity of the situation, medical staff promptly transferred him to Fiona Stanley Hospital in Perth, where he underwent a series of tests and procedures.
Medical imaging revealed that Mogridge had suffered a stroke caused by a clot that had broken away from his carotid artery. Fortunately, the clot dissolved on its own over the following week, alleviating the need for immediate surgery. However, Mogridge still experiences weakness and a lack of grip in his left hand, as well as a slight tremor.
Mogridge's experience has profoundly changed his outlook on life. He now appreciates every moment and is more empathetic towards others. He encourages men to speak up about their health concerns and seek help when needed, emphasizing the importance of early intervention.

In today's episode, we have the incredible story of Mogridge, a tale that exemplifies the unwavering resilience of the human spirit. His sheer determination to survive and the profound gratitude he holds for those who assisted him along the way serve as a remarkable source of inspiration.
Mogridge's journey is a vivid reminder that when faced with life-threatening situations, quick action can be the linchpin between despair and triumph, between darkness and hope. Stay tuned to hear the full account of Mogridge's extraordinary journey