Anne Alexander worked as a nurse in Port Augusta, the East Kimberley and at Prominent Hill mining site before landing a job with the Flying Doctor almost a year ago.

Her role as Remote Area Nurse is based at Andamooka, an outback town located 600km from Adelaide in the Far North of South Australia.
“Andamooka is a really lovely community and the people we get to see are all supportive of the clinic and our staff,” she said.
“I think that’s what I like most about remote nursing – the fact that you can immerse yourself in the community. I’ve joined the local Country Women’s Association and Probus Club in the past couple of months and people are always inviting you out to places to make you feel welcome.
“We have a lot of elderly people coming to our clinic and much of the work is around helping patients manage chronic disease.
“I live in Port Augusta, which is only a three hour drive home when I’m not on shift. So this job has been the perfect opportunity for me to be part of an awesome community while still be able to stay in touch with people at home.”