Medical Chests

Medical Chests contain a range of pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical items, which enable emergency and non-emergency treatment to be given to people living and working remote areas where there is no access to a hospital or clinic.
People living at remote sites can apply to the RFDS to become a custodian of a RFDS Medical Chest.
In the event of an emergency, an on-call RFDS doctor will guide you through the best use of your Medical Chest to assist the patient. This service is available 24/7 by calling 1800 RFDS SA (1800 733 772) within South Australia or 1800 RFDS NT (1800 733 68) within the Northern Territory.
Click here to check other RFDS emergency details for other Australian states or territories.
Medical Chest eligibility
People living at remote locations who are isolated from medical services can apply to the RFDS to become a custodian of a medical chest. Considerations include:
Distance from medical care
Medical chests are approved to remote communities located greater than 80 kilometres from professional medical care, or communities closer than 80 kilometres which may not be able to access medical care (e.g. where roads become cut off during wet season).
Adequate telecommunications
Medical chest holders must be able to call the RFDS to obtain authorisation for use of restricted items.
Responsible person
At least one person must agree to act as the responsible custodian of the medical chest.
Size of community
Whilst there is no minimum community size for issue of a medical chest, each chest is designed to service a population of up to 30 people.
Only authorised, registered custodians are permitted to manage medical chests, subject to the following conditions:
- Medical chests must be kept locked at all times when not in use
- Contents must be checked regularly for expired or missing items
- Highlighted prescription drugs must only be used under instruction of a RFDS Doctor
- Keeping a record of the RFDS Doctor’s consultation numbers in a drug register is essential for re-ordering prescription medication
- The appropriate registration number should be clearly marked on the chest
- The responsible custodian/s should advise the RFDS when someone else takes over the care and control of the chest
- If the chests cannot be kept in a cool location, some items will require refrigeration
- Medical chests must not be moved to another location without the permission of RFDS
Frequently Asked Questions
Is the medical chest only for emergencies?
There is a misconception that people are only permitted to use the chest in an emergency. The majority of the items supplied are for non-emergency medical conditions. Medical chests overcome excessive travel to see a Doctor for conditions that can be managed remotely with medical advice. However, the chest does contain items to manage emergencies, providing enormous peace of mind.
Do I need special training to have or use a RFDS medical chest?
The chest is designed to be used without any specific training, though users are encouraged to complete a Senior First Aid certificate. The majority of chest contents are classified ‘prescription-only’, therefore their use is subject to direct consultation with a RFDS doctor. It is the doctor’s responsibility to correctly diagnose and prescribe. It is your responsibility to follow their instructions.
Can I use the medical chest for my animals?
Medical chests are for human use only. Medical advice The Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) for pets or livestock should be discussed with a vet.
Can I call my local GP, or a doctor who is a friend, to prescribe items from the chest?
No. As the custodian of pharmaceutical items in a RFDS medical chest, you must contact the RFDS for approval to use them. RFDS doctors are familiar with the items in the medical chests. The service is free and available 24 hours a day.
How often should I check my medical chest?
We strongly recommend checking monthly for expired and used/prescribed items. This will give you peace of mind in the event that someone requires medical help.
What happens if drugs are stolen?
Extreme care is taken to prevent illicit access to medical chests. In the event of theft, the police must be notified immediately and a report number obtained. The RFDS must then be notified in writing, quoting police report number. The RFDS is obliged to report any drug thefts to the appropriate authorities. It will be at the RFDS Medical Director’s discretion as to whether the medical chest is forfeited.
Can we buy a chest?
Medical chests are provided to those people in remote areas who meet RFDS eligibility criteria under a subsidy program funded by the Australian Government. Commercial entities (such as remote mine sites) may also use the medical chest on a full cost-recovery basis.