

Continuity of reconciliation through art

10 Jul 2024

Art has a unique ability to bring people together, as demonstrated during the National Reconciliation Week event hosted by the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) and Queensland Cricket.

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Aircraft in air

Your gift to the future

01 Sep 2023

Did you know it was a gift in Will that enabled our first Flying Doctor aircraft, the Victory, to take that first flight on 17th May 1928?  

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Hugh Proud with Narelle

Suffering a stroke at seven

30 Aug 2023

For Narelle Proud, calling the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) was not uncommon during her time as a Registered Nurse in Western Queensland, but using the RFDS for her own family gave her a new appreciation for the service.

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Mount Isa local fundraises for Flying Doctor

A ride of a lifetime to support the Flying Doctor

22 Aug 2023

Mount Isa brothers Brodie and Riley are taking on Australia’s longest shortcut on bike to raise funds for the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) and MS.

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Dr Starmer

RFDS Doctor educating youth to ‘Survive 25’

22 Aug 2023

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Mount Isa aeromedical team helping patient

Outback Heroes: Clonagh Station staff shine

21 Aug 2023

Staff from Clonagh Station are being praised for their actions to help the RFDS transport an injured Station Hand in the outback.

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Ambassador logo

RFDS community ambassadors come together to advocate for Queenslanders

17 Aug 2023

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Sam Love's family

A life changing career

09 Aug 2023

RFDS Senior Pilot Sam Love, his wife Chantel, and their five children took the leap and moved to Australia from New Zealand in search for a lifestyle change.

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RFDS Bundaberg simulator on track to launch

08 Aug 2023

Construction of the new Royal Flying Doctor Service (Queensland Section) world-class aviation training facility in Bundaberg is on track with the development now just over half complete.

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