RFDS medical chests contain a range of pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical items, which enable emergency and non-emergency treatment for people in remote areas.
The RFDS supplied and maintained 2,370 medical chests around Australia in 2022/23

Medical Chests provide peace of mind to those living in the most remote parts of the Australian outback. The medical chest has evolved over many years to cover a number of medical conditions that would be difficult for people living and working in remote areas to treat. As such, it contains a large number of "prescription only" pharmaceutical items. It is a condition for the provision of the chest that these drugs be used only on the advice of a registered RFDS doctor. A person needing medical help can receive advice from an RFDS doctor via telephone who then is able to prescribe appropriate medication from the chest. The contents of the chest are reviewed regularly at a national level to ensure relevancy and currency of pharmaceuticals.

Medical Chests in QLD
RFDS medical officers provide a 24-hour medical consultation service via telephone and radio transmission.
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Medical Chests in SA/NT
The Medical Chest, which is provided by the RFDS to isolated families or communities, contains a range of pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical items, which enable emergency and non-emergency treatment to be given to people living and working remote areas where there is no access to a hospital or clinic.
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Medical Chests in WA
The RFDS in Western Australia manages approximately 500 medical chests containing a range of pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical items for emergency treatment, pain relief and preparation for evacuation.
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