On Saturday 8th June 2019, Morven is holding its first ever Winter Ball to raise funds for the Royal Flying Doctor Service.
Morven’s Winter ball serves two important purposes for our community. To raise funds for RFDS, who provide a fantastic service to all of us out here in rural Queensland and to raise the morale of our small Morven community. With the current state of affairs, our community needs a great night out for a great cause. A boost of excitement and energy will propel us forward!
There are 250 tickets available for the event, with all attendees 18+. Through our Facebook marketing so far, awareness of our event has spread into Queensland’s South-East, with no signs of stopping. It is a black-tie event, with a live band, canapes being served throughout the night, cake, raffle prizes and more. So, get out your dancing shoes, there's going to be a party!
Get your tickets here: https://www.trybooking.com/BBHDZ