RFDS Esperance Auxiliary member uses Flying Doctor for the first time

Date published

24 Jul 2020

Esperance man Colin McKenzie, aged 79, found out just how critical an emergency flight to hospital could be last week after years of dedicated fundraising for the Flying Doctor. 

Last Tuesday, Colin required urgent transfer to Perth for specialist care after a choking incident. 

Colin is an RFDS Esperance Auxiliary member and is part of a team of 22 Firewood Cutters who have raised a whopping $266,000 since 2008 to support their Flying Doctor in WA. 

Colin says he was in safe hands with RFDS flight nurse Lisa Bebe and Doctor Roy Morris who cared for him on his journey to Perth. 

We're glad to hear he is now back home safe and is recovering well. 

Colin is one of 427 patients retrieved during the recent school holiday period between 4 and 19 July, when we experienced record demand for our services. 

Take a look at the snapshot to see where we flew in that time.