The Devil Appeal is administrated by the University of Tasmania and in the past six years has delivered over 3 million dollars worth of funding to key research and projects for the endangered animal.
All the funds raised come from supporters - passionate individuals, businesses, foundations and schools.

"School Kids have a real affection for and interest in our Tassie devil", said the University of Tasmania's Rebecca Cuthill. "Over the past few years I have spoken at many schools about how children can help raise funds and awareness for our endangered icon and their is always such an incredible willingness to help out. When we heard about the RFDS Dental Program we thought there was a wonderful opportunity to show how the Tassie devil also cares about kids".
Image: www.instagram.com/tinadunks
The large soft toys, known as "Taz" and popularised by the Warner Bros. cartoon, are used to demonstrate good dental care.
"We hope that by engaging kids in looking after their teeth, they will also understand the importance of securing a future in the wild for our Tassie Devil," she added.