The Royal Flying Doctor Service 'flies in' vaccination specialist for the Huon Show: giving parents the opportunity to ask ALL their questions.
The national immunisation register shows that Huonville and Bruny Island have some of the lowest rates of infant immunisation in the county.
At this year's Huon Show the Royal Flying Doctor Service will have immunisation experts onsite giving parents the opportunity to ask questions and get free advice about the latest vaccination research, helping them to make the best decision about the health of their families.
The RFDS Right as Rain program has teamed up with Immunisation Paediatrician, Dr Jenny Royle from Melbourne, along with staff from the Huon Valley Health Centre and the DHHS Communicable Diseases Prevention Unit. Dr Royle specialises in providing advice to families with a range of complex issues relating to immunisation, including previous vaccine reactions and heightened concerns around potential immunisation side effects.
The RFDS invite locals to visit its site at this year's Huon Show to talk face-to-face with experts about immunisations. Members of the public will have the opportunity to ask questions about immunisations and diseases such as whooping cough and meningitis. We are encouraging parents to learn more about the importance of immunisations for babies and during pregnancy.
President of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP), Dr Bastian Seidel from the Huon Valley Health Centre says it's important that parents can find out everything they want to know about vaccinations and what they mean for the health of their babies. "The Huon Valley Health Centre is pleased to be sponsoring the RFDS for this event as GP's know only too well how often patients search the internet for health information which can be more confusing than useful. The Huon Show will be the perfect opportunity for locals to get up-to-date, face-to-face information from experts so they can make the best decision for their family.''
Locals will also have the opportunity to view the RFDS' popular aeromedical simulator to see what happens during a medical evacuation flight. Medical and Exercise Physiology students from UTAS will be running fun activities to test strength, flexibility and fitness and talk about easy ways to live a healthier lifestyle.
The RFDS site is fast becoming one of the busiest spots at Tasmania's remote agricultural shows. The RFDS Right as Rain program, with its partner www.healthytasmania.com.au works with existing local services and community organisations to get people onsite, talking with locals about specific health problems identified in the local community. The focus is on health promotion, prevention and early detection.
RFDS Tasmania CEO John Kirwan says, "The RFDS is proactive in calling for a change to address the clear health inequities between remote and rural communities, and those in the larger metropolitan areas. We hope our time at the Huon Show will help to keep the locals out of our planes and out of hospital."
The Huon show is the fourth remote agricultural show the RFDS Right as Rain program has attended this year. Learn more about Right as Rain here.
Right as Rain is proudly sponsored by TasWater.