Better ageing

Better Ageing with RFDS Victoria

Date published

29 Oct 2020

RFDS Victoria has been the beneficiary of a portion of funding from the Australian Sports Commission, awarded to RFDS Australia, to create and run a National Rural and Remote Active Ageing Program.

The program, titled Better Ageing, aims to encourage activity in older, inactive Australians and the data collected nationally will examine the impacts of physical activity on the physical and mental health of older Australians. The program is designed for participants aged 65 years and older (non-Indigenous) or 55 years or older (Indigenous),

It is currently being piloted in the central Victorian community of Heathcote and, in promoting physical activity, is also looking to improve the physical health of older Australians, improve the mental health of older Australians, improve collaboration and recognised partnerships between organisations, enhance the understanding of the benefits of activity for Australians and generate data to inform future program delivery.

RFDS Victoria’s contribution to the Better Ageing program has been running since December 2019 in the central Victorian community of Heathcote and, at the close of the most recent financial year, had more than 50 people enrolled in the program (each at various stages of progress).  

Each participant is individually assessed before being designed a 10-12 week program. Programs can be followed at Heathcote Exercise Physiology Clinic, or at home. The national funding for this program provided an opportunity to form new partnerships and broaden the collaboration with our existing partners in this community.

RFDS Victoria is also working closely with Mallee Track Health and Community Service in North West Victoria to trial a program from February 2021 of similar nature – albeit with a stronger digital presence – for those living in outlying communities.

For more information about Better Ageing, please contact Christine Ferlazzo, Senior Health Services Manager at