Flying Doctor First Aid

Remember to always call triple zero (000) in case of emergency and to note down the Flying Doctor Emergency Numbers for the areas you are travelling.
It's important to keep a well-stocked first aid kit in your home and car, with any medical supplies you may need in an emergency. What you need to include in a first aid kit will vary depending on its use. Here is an example of items that we recommend including in a basic first aid kit in your home:
- First aid booklet
- Triangular bandages – non-elastic bandages used for slings, to hold splints in place and to restrict movement.
- Crepe ('conforming' or elastic) bandages of varying widths – these elastic bandages are used to create pressure, hold dressings in place, reduce swelling and provide some support.
- Non-adhesive (non-stick) dressings of varying sizes – best used for covering burnt or abraded (scraped or grazed) skin.
- Disposable gloves (medium and large), preferably made of non-latex material
- Thermal blanket - can be used when a patient is suffering from shock
- Adhesive tape (2.5 cm wide – preferably a permeable tape such as Micropore)
- Resuscitation mask or face shield
- Medium combine dressing pads (9 x 20 cm) - used to help control bleeding and reduce the risk of infection.
- Large combine dressing pads (20 x 20 cm) - used to help control bleeding and reduce the risk of infection.
- Adhesive dressing strips (bandaids) - used for minor cuts and skin injuries. Never use adhesive dressings on burnt or abraded skin.
- Medium gauze dressing (7.5 x 7.5 cm)
- Four sterile tubes of saline solution (minimum 10 ml) - to flush out eyelashes, dust, sand or similar particles from the eye. Never attempt to remove an object that is embedded in or has penetrated an eye – in such an instance, seek urgent medical attention.
- One pair of scissors
- One pair of tweezers
- Plastic bags of varying sizes
- Notepad and pencil
It is not recommended to store medications in your first aid kit. Medications such as paracetamol and aspirin should be kept secure and out of reach of children.
Store your first aid kit in a cool dry spot, and ensure everyone in the family knows where it is. Some items in the first aid kit may have use-by dates, so make sure you're checking these items and replace them when necessary.