
Sharleen needed our help

RFDS helps Sharleen Maxwell who was in labour

25 Jul 2024

Sharleen Maxwell was in labour and the Flying Doctor was there to help.

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What if there was no help?

24 Feb 2021

Jed was helping muster sheep on a friend’s property when he came off his motorbike, fracturing his wrist and shattering his ankle.

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When I was diagnosed with cancer, I was terrified!

When I was diagnosed with cancer, I was terrified!

23 Feb 2021

"When I was diagnosed with cancer, I knew it was going to be a long road ahead, living so far from doctors and the treatment I needed. I was terrified.” – Peter from Lightning Ridge

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Love an Aussie Road Trip

Dubbo Visitor Experience features in new series, Love an Aussie Road Trip

09 Feb 2021

Dubbo Visitor Experience listed as a top attraction on NSW Government and Australia Day Council of NSW series, Love an Aussie Road Trip

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Flying Doctor lives up to its vision

Flying Doctor lives up to its vision

27 Jan 2021

When Liz’s eye started bleeding, she was afraid she would lose her sight.

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Flying Doctor’s Wellbeing Place helping rural Australians recover from a tough 2020

27 Jan 2021

After a year of unexpected challenges, more and more families are using our vital mental health services for support.

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Dick wagner

The White Cliff Wagners get creative for the RFDS

27 Jan 2021

Dick Wagner is an avid community fundraiser and well-known member of the community in White Cliffs, a small town of 100 people, 255km north of Broken Hill.

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Jacob and his daughter

Loving father Jacob has use of his arm thanks to your generous support

27 Jan 2021

After a collision on his dirt bike, the 21-year-old needed emergency surgery to save his arm.

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Rosemary’s family needed the Flying Doctor

27 Jan 2021

Rosemary’s family needed the Flying Doctor, now she donates to help other families get the care they need

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