
Sharleen needed our help

RFDS helps Sharleen Maxwell who was in labour

25 Jul 2024

Sharleen Maxwell was in labour and the Flying Doctor was there to help.

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NSW Your Voice Matters

RFDS survey to provide regional, rural and remote communities with a voice on healthcare

18 Apr 2024

The Flying Doctor is a lifeline, providing critical care when it’s needed most. But after almost a centenary of service there is still so much to do. We’re calling on the community to share their thoughts on healthcare in regional, rural and remote NSW through our new survey. Open until May.

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International Women's Day 2024

International Women's Day

08 Mar 2024

We are celebrating by recognising the tremendous efforts of our diverse RFDS women who every day are making a positive difference to the lives of those living and working in rural, regional and remote Australia.

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Dental team returning to Dubbo base from clinic

RFDS named Australia's most reputable charity for 12th time

08 Feb 2024

The RFDS has been recognised as Australia’s Most Reputable Charity for the 12th time in RepTrak’s annual charity and not-for-profit study for 2023.

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 We were there for Chris when he needed us

We were there for Chris when he needed us

31 Jan 2024

Needing a flight for pain‑relieving back surgery, the RFDS was ready to help.

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Greg Sam

Message from the CEO, Greg Sam

31 Jan 2024

Our team are excited for what is shaping up as another important year for the Flying Doctor.

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Outback walk raises vital mental health and wellbeing awareness

Outback walk raises vital mental health and wellbeing awareness

31 Jan 2024

Dirt, storms and heat doesn’t stop Marg and Alli from completing 300 kilometre walk for mental health awareness.

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RFDS receives award for Electronic Health Record

RFDS receives award for Electronic Health Record

31 Jan 2024

Ground‑breaking new RFDS technology receives prestigious innovator award.

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Narellan Rotary Club

Behind the scenes tour gives Narellan Rotary Club great appreciation of our work

31 Jan 2024

Visit to Dubbo Base shows long‑time supporters the work of the Flying Doctor.

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