
Sharleen needed our help

RFDS helps Sharleen Maxwell who was in labour

25 Jul 2024

Sharleen Maxwell was in labour and the Flying Doctor was there to help.

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Gayle Shann

Overcoming a life-changing accident

26 Apr 2023

Her episode of Australian Story is the most popular ever and 20 years on, Gayle is still thankful for the Flying Doctor.

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Jasmine loved her Flying Doctor experience

Aspiring doctor shares her outback experience

26 Apr 2023

Jasmine travelled halfway around the world to experience working with the Flying Doctor.

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Anita was inspired by parents’ generosity

Anita inspired by parents’ generosity

26 Apr 2023

Parents’ love of the outback and giving back motivates Anita to become a Regular Giver

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Outback Car Trek

Trek heads west for new experience

26 Apr 2023

The annual Outback Car Trek gets ready to make the 7,000-kilometre journey from Geraldton to Darwin

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Mundi Mundi in 2023 is already a sell-out

Outback ready to rock again in 2023

26 Apr 2023

Festivalgoers quickly snap up Mundi Mundi Bash tickets, with 2023 event a sell-out

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Saranne Cooke

Message from our Chair

26 Apr 2023

RFDSSE Chair thankful for your ongoing support

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The MEU in Canberra.

Showing off the Flying Doctor's work in Canberra

26 Apr 2023

Canberra Showgoers had the chance to see the work of the RFDS through its Mobile Education Unit.

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Out of breath, out of nowhere: Shannon's story

Out of breath, out of nowhere: Shannon's story

26 Apr 2023

Out of breath, out of nowhere: Shannon's story

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