Image Library

These high-res RFDS images are available for your use. 

RFDS King Air B200 landing at dusk NSW

Evacuating a patient

Central Ops Plane

PC-12 Lands on an outback strip

Road Vehicles

RFDS Road Vehicles

kids examined on ute

Primary Health Care with Outback Communities

RFDS Nurse and Patient

RFDS Nurse and Patient


Oral Health Care

WA Aircraft into Sunset

PC-12 Flying into the sunset

RFDS Plane in Queensland

Parked RFDS plane PC-12

Med Evac

Preparing a patient for evacuation

RFDS Night retrieval

RFDS Night retrieval

RFDS doctor in aircraft

RFDS doctor

Covid-19 vaccination program

RFDS Covid-19 Vaccination Clinic

Aeromedical rescue

Aeromedical rescue

Pilot doing pre-flight checks on PC-12 at Adelaide base

Pilot doing pre-flight checks on PC-12 at the RFDS base

RFDS Pilatus PC-12

RFDS Pilatus PC-12


#69 Emma's son was sleeping when a snake attempted to eat him

#71 Philip Chalker and his seeing-eye dog Sally chat with the Flying Doctor podcast

#72 How did Steve survive a severe stroke while driving on a remote road?

#62 It was too late to get to hospital, and the baby was in breech

#10 How a COVID front-line health worker coped in a hotspot?

#2 How can something the size of a fingernail be so deadly?

#20 How did Andrew Conlon survive being swallowed by the earth?

#6 What did Leroy do to save his life, as his blood was draining out?

#11 How did baby Calvary scare her parents before she was even born?

#9 How did David do CPR on himself to stay alive?

#15 How does a city Doctor make it in the bush?

#73 A toddler wasn't breathing well and was shades of white and blue.

#8 How do we help the elderly in their very last days with their final wish?

#12 How Trent the baker almost lost his arm.

#4 How pregnant Michelle dealt with such a life-changing injury?

#13 How The Flying Doctor started, and a priest at a dog fight

#7 How was Jemma’s life saved – along with her newborn?

#75 Interview with renowned Australian actor and writer Ian Meadows

#23 How did an experienced horse rider find herself in a life or death situation?

#18 What does Amber do when her young son suffers a severe motorbike?

#29 What does a train driver, an earth-shattering headache and a bicycle have in common?

#19 What happens when a baby is born mid flight?

#28 What is the legend of The Motorcycle Pudding?

#27 When you fall into a near boiling thermal mud pool in remote South Australia

#26 When Chad was pulled from the pool with no pulse, how was he saved?

#5 When crocodiles attack, but no-one is around to help you..

#30 Why did 9 year old Jake collapse at the tail end of a soccer game and stop breathing?

#17 Why is Sam Hughes driving a 1957 tractor around Australia?

#22 Why is your mental approach to cancer so key when it comes to health outcomes and quality of life?

#25 Young mother, dialysis, and the search for a kidney --- and a second interview:'Billy-the-kid-ney' changes Danni's life

#40 Flight nurse Brendan Devlin has seen it all over his 30-year career

#43 A highly distressed child was pulling her hair out at night...

#36 A beloved daughter disturbs an intruder and is shot at point-blank range

#48 A jackaroo is hemorrhaging in remote NT and his mates have to get him to hospital

#55 Allan has seen and done it all — Cattle station man, born and bred

#31 A skydiving lesson gone wrong changes Joe Chiver's life forever

#33 A snake in the bed, behind the heater and under the slippery dip

#47 A speeding boat full of tourists collides with a rock wall in remote WA...

#34 Courage is served in large quantities at Gilberton Station - ask Prince Charles

#38 A ute rolls on a remote dirt road in South Australia

#49 Even the seasoned riders can sometimes get it wrong

#16 Did John Tully survive when his plane hit power lines?

#63 Family holiday plans changed quickly when 7-year-old Mia stumbled by the campfire...

#59 Glen's dad fell 4-stories and his life changed immediately...

#57 Helping the governesses that care for station kids

#14 How could Rob survive this helicopter crash?

#42 How did baby Jenson survive being born 4 months too early?

#32 How did hypothermia save John Muir's life?

#41 How did they discover and save Peter, when he suffered a crippling stroke?

#37 How does Paul survive a horrible mountain bike accident in remote WA?

#39 How do you land an RFDS plane in the dark in the Outback?

#56 Respect, love and celebration for those we love in their last days

#44 How was 5-year-old Jack saved after being bitten by a snake?

#52 Richard is proof they breed 'em tough in the bush.

#53 Richard's rally car rolled, flipped into a tree and plunged 30 metres...

#61 Sarah had a double-lung transplant, while her husband and daughter waited anxiously...

#21 What does the Archibald, Running of the Bulls & The Flying Doctor have in common?

#54 What happened when a drunk 15 year old got behind the wheel?

#46 'Billy-the-kid-ney' changes Danni's life

#65 Jon Steadhead, Jigalong and the Flying Doctor

#50 A 10-year old boy was snorkelling when a shark attacked...

#58 How did Mack keep himself alive, under a rolled-car, in remote Western Australia?

#3 How did Michael survive burns to more than 60% of his body?

#24 How did passengers save the life of Patrick on a commercial flight?

#1 How did Peter Nunn survive two accidents he shouldn’t have ?

#35 How does a young pregnant mum in remote SA battle cancer?

#51 When a Picturesque Hike Turns Out to be Not-So-Pretty

#70 How Sarah's stomach ache almost took her life.

#74 The song was a gift to her children, in case they lose her

#76 Stephen Peacocke reflects on playing 'flight nurse Pete' in 'RFDS'.

#90 A single dad, a sailboat, two girls and a wheel barrow

#88 Ella was 35 weeks pregnant & driving an outback truck when her waters broke!

#86 Barry was hanging from his seat belt in the upside down ute.

#84 How did the remote SA township of Marla come to be?

#93 Devoted mum and courageous cancer survivor, Julia, has put her heart inside a pocket

#78 Australia, to the USA, to Kenya and back home again

#60 BAM! The ambulance hit a roo. Kate, in labour, held her breath...

#100 Buckle up! The Flying Doctor Podcast 100th episode takes off!

#102 Farmer Phil vs a one tonne, charging bull!

#104 Greg was lucky to survive a stroke while surfing

#107 Jillaroo Katie's chicken wrangling went wildly wrong!

#110 Student nurse Laura was told she'd never walk or talk again

#108 Tackling the 'highs and lows' of a toddler with T1 Diabetes

#112 Wildflowers, frog tea and a goanna in a hangar!

#113 Annie got a goat stuck in her throat!

#118 A Postmaster's pocketknife & a Doctor's outback dash to save Jimmy Darcy!

#115 A mercy flight to Townsville was baby Selene's only option!

#117 - Ryan nursed himself back from his own heart attack!

#66 Plane on the highway, dress, shopping, and passing on words of wisdom

#67 Greg and his helicopter were a crumpled mess at the bottom of the gorge

$68 What is the life of a flight nurse actually like?

#92 Young mum Paige was losing weight, eternally thirsty and feeling tired

#91 Station boss Carol's helicopter hit the power line and hit the ground

#89 Tired, toilet, thirsty, thinner - Emma's young son ticked all the boxes for Type 1 diabetes

#87 How did Gayle lose the use of both arms in a farm-accident?

#85 How do you manage a Type 1 Diabetes diagnosis in remote Australia

#83 Tom collapsed onto his steering wheel and stopped breathing

#82 Melissa's muscles melted and she was unable to walk, talk or move

#81 Dan Hamood was opal fossicking when he fell into a mineshaft

#80 Kate Watched As Her Husband Was Dragged to Shore

"#79 Shirley was found unconscious next to her campbed

#97 Kelly was heavily pregnant when she was diagnosed with a brain tumour

#96 Emma's toddler went under both wheels of the 4WD...and survived!

#95 When the nurse becomes the patient. Ann's battle with Stage 4 breast cancer.

#94 Judy found her grandson lying 'flat and unresponsive' in the hallway

#77 Dr Katrina Starmer tells how she was inspired to become a Flying Doctor

#64 Heat and dehydration has stopped Richard's heart 8 times...

#45 Angels in the Outback - Revisiting the incredible story of Peter Nunn

#98 Murray began bleeding out internally, after he hit the handlebars of his motorcross bike

#99 Leanne was struggling to breathe before she lost consciousness

#101 Following in Squid’s sand tracks #oceans to outback

#103 Never mess with a Mulga! Ben's paralysing tale.

#106 TJ's horse slipped from under him and they hit the dirt!

#114 Despite breaking his neck twice, Jaimen Hudson is living his best life

#116 How Mick hurt his back on the Birdsville Track

#119 How a baby brown snake flew Eddie from Uluru to Alice!

RFDS TV Show Behind the Scenes

Our Mobile Dental Clinic

This is RFDS Tasmania

Courtney's 2021 RFDS Scholarship Experience

From the archive - Flight "South West" c1961

Harriet from RFDS Tasmania with a sheep farmer and his dog on his land.

Harriet from RFDS Tasmania's Physical Health Team

The Royal Flying Doctor Service in Tasmania delivers physical and mental health services to our rural and remote communities. Often visiting our farmers and graziers in Tasmania's high country for health and wellbeing check ups that would be otherwise inaccessible due to distance and terrain. 

Phil and dog (Digger) wait for RFDS Tasmania's mental health hub Bus

Phil and Digger wait for RFDS Tasmania's Mental Health Hub Bus

With most of Tasmania classified as rural or remote, many communities rely on the Royal Flying Doctor Service for essential physical, mental and dental health care. 

Our health hub buses travel great distances, on tough roads to reach those who need us, including Phil and his pup, Digger. 

The RFDS Tasmania Educational Simulator with Isuzu UTE

The RFDS Tasmania Educational Simulator

Our own educational simulator was acquired in March 2024, with a generous grant from the Tasmanian Community Fund. It lives at our hangar in Western Junction but can be seen making its way across the state visiting schools and community events to demonstrate the work RFDS does all over Australia. 

The RFDS Tasmania education program provides a interactive and engaging experience for students. It allows them to hear stories and experience a unique education experience.

RFDS Dental Coordinator Chloe Reed with the Mobile Dental Van

RFDS Tasmania's Mobile Dental Clinic

With generous support from Woolnorth Renewables, RFDS Tasmania have been able to reach more communities with a second dental health van. 

Delivering vital dental health support to communities on the North West, West, and now North East and East coasts of Tasmania, Central Midlands, Highlands and south down to Dover, we can reduce waitlists across the state and return quality of life to many.

RFDS Tas mental health worker visits farmer on Tas's east coast.

RFDS Tasmania's Mental Health Program

RFDS Tasmania delivered 997 adult and 2,951 youth mental health consultations across 10 local government areas in the 2023/24 financial year.


Birtles & Bean Complete Their Epic Journey raising funds for the RFDS

Birtles & Bean Complete Their Epic Journey raising funds for the RFDS

An extraordinary journey has not only retraced history but also raised over $120,000 for the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS). 

Daily Telegraph Editor-at-Large Matthew Benns and cartoonist Warren Brown embarked on the Birtles & Bean adventure, following the legendary 1927 trek of Australian explorer Francis Birtles, who became the first person to drive from Darwin to Melbourne in a Bean 14 Sundowner. Birtles, a pioneering motorist, adventurer, and photographer, defied the odds, navigating rugged terrain and vast distances with little infrastructure, proving that the Australian outback could be conquered by motor vehicle. 

His journey remains a symbol of resilience, exploration, and the determination to push boundaries—values that continue to inspire Australians today. Matthew and Warren’s journey honoured this pioneering spirit while serving a critical purpose—raising funds to support the Royal Flying Doctor Service, which has been providing essential healthcare to remote and rural communities since 1928. 

Their adventure captured national attention, as they faced their own challenges, from navigating harsh conditions to ensuring their historic vehicle mirrored the authenticity of Birtles’ original trek. 

By successfully completing the journey, they not only celebrated Australia’s motoring and exploration history but also contributed to the future of rural healthcare, ensuring that people in the most isolated parts of the country have access to life-saving medical assistance.