
Young ringer’s race for help: Amy’s story

Young ringer’s race for help: Amy’s story

11 Sep 2024

When a bloodied and bruised Amy Kynoch regained consciousness in the back of a speeding truck, she realised her ‘typical’ day at work had taken a disastrous turn. Read more.

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On tap at the William Creek Hotel

14 Feb 2021

The Royal Flying Doctor Service is now “on tap” at the iconic William Creek Hotel.

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Marree community legend retires

29 Jan 2021

When June Andrew rattled into Marree in her Ford Laser in the heat of the 1982 summer, it was the first time she had visited the remote South Australian town.

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A promise delivered: 2020 in review

11 Dec 2020

We reflect on 2020 - an extraordinary year in rural and remote health.

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JANUARY: Keeping a bird’s eye view on wellbeing

11 Dec 2020

Keeping a bird’s eye view on mental health and wellbeing.

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FEBRUARY: Flying across a pandemic

11 Dec 2020

The RFDS was the first aeromedical organisation to manage a positive COVID-19 case on Australian soil.

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MARCH: New services making locals smile

11 Dec 2020

New RFDS Remote Oral Health Care Services open in Mutitjulu in Central Australia and Leigh Creek in South Australia.

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APRIL: Diabetes results improve during COVID-19 shutdown

11 Dec 2020

Digital health consultations soared in April as the RFDS found innovative new ways to connect with isolated communities during COVID-19 – with some unexpected results.

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MAY: First online quiz visits Hollywood

11 Dec 2020

A ‘virtual’ Night in Hollywood attracts movie buffs from Sydney to Switzerland as the RFDS holds its first ever online quiz.

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