Have Your Say

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Have Your Say

We welcome you to provide direct feedback about your experience of our services and/or share your views by signing up for specific surveys and/or focus groups.

Current Surveys:

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) State of the Nation Survey

This survey is for anyone living with IBD, including carers.

This survey is to support the development of Australia’s first-ever IBD health research report. 

Click the below banner to complete the survey.


Your Feedback is important to us

The RFDS welcomes your praise, complaints or any ideas about improving our services. If you have feedback, or if you have any printable resources you'd like to see here, please:

  • Fill in our Feedback Form.
  • Email your feedback directly to feedback@flyingdoctor.net
  • Call (08) 8238 3333 to speak with our Patient Experience Feedback team.

The below feedback form is for South Australian and Northern Territory patients.

If you are a patient of the RFDS in another state or territory, please click below:

Western Australia
 | NSW/ACT | Queensland | Victoria | Tasmania

* required fields

Under federal law, the RFDS must keep your personal information private. Your feedback will not become part of your medical records. Your feedback will only be shared with your full consent.

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Learn more about how the RFDS supports its patients and communities in SA/NT.