Based at Launceston Airport, the Royal Flying Doctor Service Tasmania was officially formed on September 12th 1960, and has steadily grown over the past 64 years. Today, we provide physical, mental and dental health services across the Circular Head, West Coast, Break O’Day, George Town, Fingal Valley, Glamorgan Spring Bay, Central Highlands, Meander Valley, King Island, Flinders Island, Dorset, Bruny Island, Tasman Peninsula and Huon Valley local government areas.
RFDS Tasmania is accredited against the National Safety and Quality in Health Care Standards and certified against the National Mental Health Standards.
We are one of six RFDS operating sections – Central Operations, Queensland Section, South Eastern Section, Tasmania Section, Victoria Section and Western Operations, which make up RFDS Australia - Australia's most reputable charity (Reptrack Charity Survey 2023) and Australia's Most Trust Charity (Reader's Digest Trusted Brand Survey 2022).

The ever-expanding RFDS Tasmania Dental Program is a free community-based program funded by the Commonwealth Government, with dental staff traveling to rural and remote locations weekly and tailoring dental care to accommodate a community’s needs. This often means working from fixed clinics in rural towns, operating clinics at schools and aged care facilities and providing ongoing, long-term care for their patients.
Our mobile dental vehicles, sponsored by Woolnorth Renewables, have allowed us to extend our reach further into more isolated towns and hamlets. This $350,000 custom-built truck requires only a flat surface and three-phase power to set up and begin consultations. With X-ray and dental surgery facilities, it can provide a full range of treatments and is perfect for visiting schools for an extended period.